I am currently hiking from Peublo, Colorado to Fountain, Colorado.
If you want to know my location to view my progress, contact me in the comments and I should be able to respond.
Here is a map of the proposed route so you can follow along and encourage one of your favorite bloggers! https://goo.gl/maps/s3AYt1RbaKmqYrrx5
You are hiking the plains of Colorado. Good luck.
Yea I am! Thank you. I am taking my first break 1 hour in! https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=38.3350004,-104.6046579
Go Ben, I’d love to follow along
Thank you! I am right here!https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=38.3389065,-104.6055094
Where are you right now?
Thank you! If you ask throughout the next 12 to 18 hours, I will send my position.
I’ll probably be going to bed soon, but I’ll ask again as soon as I can!
Sounds great!https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=38.3662844,-104.6060901
I’m awake! Where are you now?
Ha ha. I was at home. I made it 25 miles
Gotcha. Awesome! Glad that you made it!
Thank you. I will blog about what I think went wrong on my next post. Thanks for your support!
No prob!
Something went wrong?
Ha ha! A few things. Lets be real. I didn’t have it in me. 🤠🔥
Gotcha. But at least you made it. Are you going to keep trying or not really?
That was likely a one and done. It is not a particularly friendly road.
Sorry to hear that.
I wanted to do it. I had a great time. I was able to test my personal limits.
Cool! Glad to hear that you had a great time, even if this is only a one time thing. Did you take any photos while on your walk?
I did! I am working on a post now.
When I said “even if this is only a one time thing” I was referring to the walk, just in case that wasn’t very clear.
You were clear. All is good!🤠🔥
I am amazed by your speed. From your reply to another blogger, you seemed to be next to a church. You have gone a long way forward! Keep going!
Thank You Ishaan!
You’re welc9me!
Oh and what does Pentecoastal mean?
Pentecost means 50. Jesus returned aa the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost
Thanks for the explanation! And who is a pentecoastal christian?
I attend a Pentecostal church
That’s good to know.
My location
Well, I’m showing 8:24, what’s the progress?
So far, so good!
Thank you. I have my shoes off and kicking back for a while. https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=38.4370803,-104.5898594
Making Off Pretty Well So Far!
It’s ten o’clock. Do you know where your children are? Well there’s one out on the trail, I should check up on.
You are doing great! You can do this!
I hope you have an enjoyable journey!
I am! This is where I have gotten so far.
23 miles?? Good going!!
I clock 17 so far. Thanks for the encouragement!
Noon (-ish). How are you doing now? Where ya at?
1242 hours. Sorry about the wait. https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=38.5539324,-104.6082777
That looks like about 23 miles. You’re cooking with gas.
Oh ok
Winding up at Wal-Mart is a good call.
Absolutely. I had to cut it a few miles short.
Congrats on the journey.
Thank you.
As you are finishing up, just imagine you are crushing everything, with each step, coming against our families, our communities, this world. You got this, nephew!!
Thanks! I had to call it a day, Auntie!
Approximately 25 miles
You’re welcome, nephew! Wow, that is incredible….way to go!!! 👏🏽👏🏽😀😀
Go Ben! Walk it like you mean it! *insert cheerleading pompoms and an appropriately excited facial expression*
Ha ha! Thank you!
Are you alive!?????
I made it 25 miles. I am alive.
I’d be dead.
I doubt it. You are strong and athletic.
I don’t have any “mass”🙄
Ha ha. Because you are not Catholic.
That was NOT funny!
Haha…. Oh. Puts serious face on
I am sorry that you feel offended.
I will never forget that you said that! Never ever! It was funny but still just like wow!
You have no mass. You are tiny. It is a fact. 😝
I’m 110 stinking lbs. Not tiny.
110 very stinky pounds. Have you considered washing with water? 😝
I am just repeating what you said. Should I have disagreed with your stinky?
I said stinking…. not stinky.
Oooooh…. A sissy swear word.
You are stinking fine. Don’t worry about it.
I was gonna say something, but I just changed my mind.
Say it! Say It!
Naw. Can’t now
Your nose…. Is like a rose. 🌹
That was NOT what I was going to say to you!
It is what I am saying to you.
Your nose…. Is like a 🌹 rose. Bright and red with a long green stem.
Um no. I don’t get where you see that
Ummm. You are my snotty nosed little sister. Think about it.
No! I can’t think about it.
You can, you are choosing not to. Do you ride horses?
I’m only stubborn if I need to be.
I’ve ridden a horse twice in my old life.
You are old. You are a spinster. Do you feel the need to be stubborn? Way cool. I have only ridden twice myself.
Of course.
So we’re twins.
Twin siblings?
That gives real meaning to life beginning at conception. It also makes one reconsider a “birth day”. You hung out in the womb from 1983 to 2002?
Oh. My. Word. Ok. I didn’t say anything.🙊
Ha ha!