Brothers Campfire Hike From Pueblo, Colorado to Fountain, Colorado 07/27/2020

I am currently hiking from Peublo, Colorado to Fountain, Colorado.

If you want to know my location to view my progress, contact me in the comments and I should be able to respond.

Here is a map of the proposed route so you can follow along and encourage one of your favorite bloggers!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

105 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Hike From Pueblo, Colorado to Fountain, Colorado 07/27/2020

  1. Ashley F Lintner says:

    Go Ben, I’d love to follow along

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you! If you ask throughout the next 12 to 18 hours, I will send my position.

          1. rue202 says:

            I’ll probably be going to bed soon, but I’ll ask again as soon as I can!

          2. Benjamin says:

            Thank you. I will blog about what I think went wrong on my next post. Thanks for your support!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! A few things. Lets be real. I didn’t have it in me. 🤠🔥

          4. rue202 says:

            Gotcha. But at least you made it. Are you going to keep trying or not really?

          5. Benjamin says:

            That was likely a one and done. It is not a particularly friendly road.

          6. Benjamin says:

            I wanted to do it. I had a great time. I was able to test my personal limits.

          7. rue202 says:

            Cool! Glad to hear that you had a great time, even if this is only a one time thing. Did you take any photos while on your walk?

          8. rue202 says:

            When I said “even if this is only a one time thing” I was referring to the walk, just in case that wasn’t very clear.

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        I am amazed by your speed. From your reply to another blogger, you seemed to be next to a church. You have gone a long way forward! Keep going!

          1. Benjamin says:

            Pentecost means 50. Jesus returned aa the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost

  2. herbthiel says:

    It’s ten o’clock. Do you know where your children are? Well there’s one out on the trail, I should check up on.

  3. Beverly says:

    You are doing great! You can do this!

  4. Beverly says:

    As you are finishing up, just imagine you are crushing everything, with each step, coming against our families, our communities, this world. You got this, nephew!!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks! I had to call it a day, Auntie!
      Approximately 25 miles

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome, nephew! Wow, that is incredible….way to go!!! 👏🏽👏🏽😀😀

  5. Petra says:

    Go Ben! Walk it like you mean it! *insert cheerleading pompoms and an appropriately excited facial expression*

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            I will never forget that you said that! Never ever! It was funny but still just like wow!

          2. Benjamin says:

            110 very stinky pounds. Have you considered washing with water? 😝

          3. Benjamin says:

            I am just repeating what you said. Should I have disagreed with your stinky?

          4. Benjamin says:

            Your nose…. Is like a 🌹 rose. Bright and red with a long green stem.

          5. Benjamin says:

            Ummm. You are my snotty nosed little sister. Think about it.

          6. Lydia Potter says:

            I’m only stubborn if I need to be.
            I’ve ridden a horse twice in my old life.

          7. Benjamin says:

            You are old. You are a spinster. Do you feel the need to be stubborn? Way cool. I have only ridden twice myself.

          8. Benjamin says:

            That gives real meaning to life beginning at conception. It also makes one reconsider a “birth day”. You hung out in the womb from 1983 to 2002?

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