Brothers Campfire Speaks of Harvesters, Fragrances, Photo Shoots, and Ice

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

So, in my last blog post, I was exposed to a mixture of scents and womenfolk gathering around doing whatever it is they do. They hinted that I could sell fragrances on the side. That was something to contemplate, but it was time to get on down the trail.

It has been particularly chilly here in Colorado Springs, but I have to get out and hike if I want to increase my milage for new challenges.

There is unique beauty in the silence of the forest and the reflection of the trees on the ice.

I was not the only one enjoying the trail. It seems a day prior, someone in snowshoes had been this way as well. I wondered at the stride. Whoever it was traveled fast and light.

I tried to emulate the pace for a while and found I could match it step for step. Being a shorter man, I was proud of myself and picked up the pace to more than match it.

As I continued, a larg crow perched in a tree. He was a large one and he was cool with sitting there until I pulled out my phone for a picture. He krawed his disapproval and departed.

Fountain Creek is beautiful with veiws of the Colorado Rockies. The snow covered mountain is Pike’s Peak. It was not visable for parts of my trip so I took a shot when I could.

Moving at about 3.5 miles an hour will generate a bit of warmth. I took off a few layers, but was glad I had brought them.

I diverged from the trail the snowshoeing man took, and picked something original. Well sort of. One person had come from where I was going to. Not bad for a highly travelled route. I would have the outdoors to myself.

In a post I wrote the other day, I spoke of harvester ants and took a picture of a snow covered hill. At the time, it was about 0 F -17 C .

Below is a harvester ant mound at 27 F -3 C.

You will see many such mounds at the base of the Colorado Rockies and the accompanying foothills. What is unique is that it is below freezing and yet melted. Perhaps these girls know how to stay warm in the winter.

While I am not a scientist, I will hypothesize that the piled sand creates a microclimate that absorbs calories of heat much better than the surrounding area.

I moved on down the trail. No one cares about harvester ants.

Moving down the trail, I had to be extra cautious to take these pictures of a frozen stream. The ice was deceptive and broke in a few places.

Passing through a prairie dog infested field, I saw lots of little footprints. I actually put my face mask on as it stank like dead animals here.

Coming upon a neighborhood, I had to be alert, and do things like look both ways before crossing.

I was starting to get tired. The snow was difficult to slog through and it was time to find a stopping place. Squinting to see so far I saw a water tower and determined to make it there.

To get there I walked through a few neighborhoods to include my old stompin grounds from 16 years ago. I used to live in this area. Just the other day there was a triple homicide if I am not mistaken.

It’s not the most peaceful place and I would have walked around on a warmer day. Gang bangers like to come out when it is warm.

I arrived at my destination and called for a pickup. I made 11 miles today!

But, my day was not over……

My daughter wanted pictures. No, not about an 11 mile hike in the snow. A dad. Has got to do what he has to do.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

37 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Speaks of Harvesters, Fragrances, Photo Shoots, and Ice

  1. Bon Repos Gites says:

    Sounds a good walk! Many years ago, I hiked to the top of the Peak but not in February!! 😉

    1. Benjamin says:

      Pikes Peak is beautiful. I would not climb it in February either. I was exploring what is called the foothills.

      It was an exhilarating walk l!

  2. kagould17 says:

    We finally got outside in the warmer weather yesterday, -17C (1 F). Compared to the recent wind chill temps, it was a blast of spring and it was good to do a 4 k hike. Going for a longer walk this week and looking forward to it. Love your daughter’s Dad pix. Stay well. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad you got out. Keep up the excellence!
      Stay warm out there and be safe!

    1. Benjamin says:

      The tassles wick water away from the hat to keep your head warm and dry.

  3. achme24gmailcom says:

    Epic times and photos

  4. S.D. McKinley says:

    Man, what a treat to enjoy your venture trip in the wilderness of CO! I haven’t seen a bit of snow on the ground and seeing this vicariously through the lens of your camera displaced my envy even slighty, but rightfully so! Thanks again, Brother’s Campfire!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello S.D. McKinley! If you ever stop by this way, we will go on an adventure together. No envy necessary. What part of the country are you from?

      1. S.D. McKinley says:

        I’m in the suburbs of the lush Atlanta, GA! I’d like to think that would happen one day.

        I went to CO one time, to Estes Park. It was fan-tabulous.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Estes Park is one place I have never been! I look forward sometime. Never been to Atlanta either!

  5. stevescountry says:

    Another wonderful hike there Benjamin! Loved all the pics too. I’m hoping to get a walk in down to the river tomorrow, should be a bit milder and I need to get out and stretch my legs more. I have been doing shorter walks in the cold but I need something a bit longer to keep in shape. No mountains up this way, but lots of rocky hills, lakes and rivers. But even in our cold a person needs to be careful on the ice! Keep walking!

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