Brothers Campfire Experiences New Things 30 years later.

Finding experiences in a COVID lock down experience is difficult at times, even here at the Campfire and we are full of ideas. Life can be  redundant and downright awful if you allow it but that is not what you came here for.

We set off first to experiment with siphons and vacuum. To top it off, we learned about primary colors by mixing food coloring in it all.

It was pretty fun and we learned a lot this morning.

Then, from Goodwill, we pulled out a prize from 1990.

Whitewings Paper Air Planes. Plastic wrapped and everything!

This was no perferated plug and play, it is necessary to carefully follow directions, use glue and cut the parts out. Some of our first plane is still drying.


One of the notable things about unboxing a 30 year old kit is the club application. It required a stamp and did not ask for an email address.

After checking to see if the company is still around we gave it a go. Perhaps we can join the club!

Meanwhile, my wife shipped out a few orders from her business. You can shop there if you want. Her Ebay Business.

Meanwhile,my daughter practiced her piano. She is coming along nicely!

Things warmed up a little, and I was able to provide fresh water for the ducks.

Overall, we are aiming to stay engaged during these trying times. I encourage you to do the same.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

53 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Experiences New Things 30 years later.

  1. Lookoom says:

    It is indeed funny and interesting to see how companies have changed the way they operate in so few years.

  2. relaxitsallwrite says:

    What a sweet and intriguing post! Probably nice to assemble a toy from “simpler times”. Enjoyed this, a lot 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was pretty fun! Things in some ways were much simpler. I am still waiting for my Charles Atlas weight lifting program.

        1. Benjamin says:

          My waistline has increased 9 inches since high school. I wonder if that counts.

  3. Paquerite says:

    The atmosphere is warm and very family-oriented, it’s very pleasant, I like to hear your daughter, she is talented!
    Special mention to the jazzy atmosphere for the ducks, frankly in times of covid, they look like in a vacation club, spa, and ice massages at will !!!

  4. Beverly says:

    That’s what I’m talking about, old school! 👏😎😂. Not just the “find” at Goodwill, but the family activities, the quality time, slowing down to enjoy His blessings. He knows just what we needed in these times. Excellent job as always, nephew. His timing on this much needed post.

    Also, she is an amazing musician and he is an engineer in the making….blessings from God!

      1. Beverly says:

        You are welcome, nephew! It is my pleasure!

          1. henhouselady says:

            Yes. We haven’t had any snow yet. The skies have been grey for the past month.

  5. herbthiel says:

    That girl puts something into it when she sings. The twelve-year veteran of life an engineer? Oh yeah, highly possible. I liked the jazzy score for the ducks, too.

        1. Benjamin says:

          They are online. The plane we made was a pretty nifty flyer.

  6. Cassa Bassa says:

    I envison some family book reading around the fire just like the good old days.

  7. leendadll says:

    What a wonderful family! The airplanes look difficult and time consuming, which is good these days.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, Bubbles! It was a little tough on the assembly end but well worth it!

  8. America On Coffee says:

    Hi there! A very encouraging post. Video believe that we are going to get back to simpler times, just as simple as an airplane made of pliable materials. I am eager for the return of real people in place of automated people.🤔🙏

    1. Benjamin says:

      Things have been less complicated during COVID here at Willow Manor. Real people are great!

      1. America On Coffee says:

        Hi there Brother’s Campfire! Yes, it is time for people to power up to overcome! I know your weekend will be an exciting one! Best regards!🍮🍂🍮

  9. sunisanthosh says:

    What an amazing post !! Positive vibes of creativity and your daughter is very talented. 👍

  10. Soni Cool😎 says:

    Wohoooo… Loved your new experiences in this lockdown Benjamin…just amazing👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️

  11. stevescountry says:

    Great post Benjamin! Nice to return to some of the simpler things from years ago. Great time to have quality family time which is missing so much in our modern world. Have a great weekend!😁😺

    1. Benjamin says:

      Quality of life with family is missing in today’s day and age. Steve, I look forward to your next post here at the Campfire!

      1. stevescountry says:

        Thanks Benjamin, I was working on something, but it got a bit long and wasn’t sure about doing a 2 part, so I’ll try something else, should be ready soon!😀😺

        1. Benjamin says:

          So, I think my audience has a 1000 word attention span from what I can tell. I am gauging this off of average time spent on a page.

          I have noted that breaking longer segmenta up with photos has increased time on the page.

          While I have you here, do you mind being reblogged?

          1. stevescountry says:

            Yes, that’s true, photos can make a difference, I always like to use some. Reblogging is fine, don’t mind at all. Hopefully I should have something ready later today or tomorrow afternoon. Thanks again Benjamin!

          2. Benjamin says:

            Way cool, just let me know. Right now, I have a lot of free space for views where it is advantageous for the both of us.

          3. stevescountry says:

            We’ve actually had a warm winter so far even though it began Oct 20th, but somehow I think that will change soon!

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