Hello Friends!

According to Cackle Hatchery, I should be receiving a a shipment of 14 female Khaki Campbell Ducks and a male Toulouse Goose on Monday!

My choice of ducks is their reputation for laying the most eggs for the smallest amount of feed; eggcellent I tell you!
I am an avid egg eater and I imagine we would go through a dozen eggs a day if we had them! I love me some epic breakfast!

The male Toulouse Goose is hopefully a mate for Trumpet, my lady Goose. I would like to see some Goslings down the road!
Anyway, I have 14 girls and 1 boy that need names!
That is a lot of naming and I need your help with it! Please tell me your suggestions in the comments below!

Well, as their personalities emerge you may find some more appropriate names, but you could start with Lucky, Plucky and Disco. I used to like Yakky Doodle. He had this big bulldog for a friend. When the fox would try to eat him, the dog would throttle him and say in kind of a bronx accent, “You shouldn’t oughta see this, Yakky.” And proceed to pummel the fox.
I agree about personality. I have never heard of Yakky Doodle! Do you have a link?
I’ll have to look. If memory serves, he was a minor feature on the Yogi Bear show and I couldn’t find a lot of clips of him. He was real scrappy in his own right and didn’t always seem to realize he could be that way because Chopper was there.
Ha ha! I have seen that behavior before!
Whoohoo! Do tell us when they arrive!
You could name a duck Hans. And you could name the goose Flute. Just a suggestion.
It would be nice to see Flute and Trumpet together🙂😃😅
But as Mr. Herb says, you can name them in accordance with their personalities.
I like Flute! Or Jazz Piano.🤣🤣😂😂🤣
Jazz Piano is too long a name though. You could name one jazz and the other piano.
There you go!
Call him “Jazzy” for short.
Nice one.
You can name another rock. And another roll
That is a good one!
And hip. And hop.
And opera.
(Opera’s actually nice)
Wow, you are creative this afternoon!
There you go!
Ha ha! They can be noisy!
It’s funny 👻
Ha ha!
Duck is very lucky !
Lucky Ducky
This name in my mind ducky👌
Quackers sounds like Crackers!
😆 yes! I think you decide the name.
Their beak is called a bill. Like owing money!
That is funny!
Duck Hands? 😄 oh, Hans! Why I could name them all Orchestra!🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆😃
Not hands. Hans. And the pronunciation I am going for can’t be written in english, but the usual Hans is fine too. Hans means swan in hindi.
I will try to write its pronunciation:
Oh. Looks like I failed.
An orchestra is nice!
I should record my attempt to pronounce that!🦆🦆🦆
Sure do!
Or you could search the net on how to pronounce it.
It is cold this morning. It is 43 F . I cannot believe I dumped icewater on my head at this temp!
I have difficulty taking 43 ° being called cold seriosuly.
Oh wait, Farenheit.
Why does America have different units?
Oh and I am NoT disrespecting your nation. Just curious
6 Celsius. Fahrenheit is confusing! So are fractions like a 5/8ths 🔧 wrench. Units of 10 make sense. Why, General Gallio even uses them. A Centuplicate is a 10p!
Agreed. General Gallio is smart.
So I searched on google why US has what is called “imperial scales/units” by some.
The answer was that the metric system was believed to be irreligious.
I am sure god gave us 10 fingers for a reason. 😃
There may be some truth in that.
Truth in what?
That they are irreligious? How?
English standards of measuring have no bearing on religion.. Well at least all the ones I am exposed to. There is truth that God gave us 10 fingers! From a scientific perspective, I prefer metric.
So does the book mention units?
I hear the romans once decided that each minute should have 100 seconds, each hour must have a hundred minutes, and each day must have a have a hundred hours.
The day lasted 11 days.
But that was probably a joke.
There are measurements in the Bible. A notable one was the cubit. Using the human body as a measurement has value if you do not have precision ways of measuring.
Cubits can be misleading.
But they work roughly.
6 celsius!0
Different perspective in Celsius! A little cold!!
Too cold!
I wish it snowed where I live 😥
I bet it is pretty hot over there!
In summers yes. In winters, a big NO
How cold does it get?
Not much from your perspective
I do not find you disrespectful, you are inquiring.
Thank you!
Absolutely. You are a great friend, Ishaan
That’s really interesting and they look so beautiful 🌹
Thanks, Friend. However, those are stock photography! The babies should be here monday!
I never got this thing
Is stock photos free to use or not?
If not, why does everyone do it?
If yes, why have I been avoiding it since so long 😂?
Pixabay is free to use. Pexels as well. Usually it will tell you if attribution is required.
Yeah I use pexels too.
But most bloggers are using copyrighted images without giving it a thought.
I am pretty sure that’s illegal.
But now i see you are law abiding.
No law abiding man goes to prison so often 🤣😂
Don’t take the last part seriously. I respect the job you are doing. It was just a joke
Oh stop! I have been incarcerated for over 10 years! I am fine!
👮👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱👱It’s like this everyday!
Whoa. You have too many people to take care of
Ha ha! It is interesting some days!
I wonder how interesting it could get in a prison…
A lot I believe. But I wouldn’t want to be involved in that situation 😃
I like boring days at work!😃
I remember you said in an early post of yours that you overlooked a kitchen?
Or am I hallucinating?
No. I supervise a crew in feeding inmates. Several staff and a few dozen inmates
You have a lot to do!
Some days!!!
Ha ha! Sometimes I modify the free images with filtering. Giving attribution and getting permission is important. While I do not know the laws, there are some areas where fair use is ok for portions of videos like movies and such. That may also apply to screenshots, but I try to use stock or personal photos.
You got this!
That’s pretty much exciting 🤗🤗🤩🤩🤩
Do you have any suggestions for names?
Yeah. I like Daffy, Daisy, Louie, mock, Ducky. 😜😜🤗🤗💓💓
Cool! Thank you Neha!
My pleasure dear 😇 💓 have a great weekend 😊
You as well!
Thank you 😊 💐✌️
Ken and Tucky maybe😁 they look beautiful💞
🦆🦆🦆🦆🤠 Those are good names! Thank you!
I would use The Oatmeal’s “Cat Name Generator”, avail online.
Thanks! Leenda! Is that how you named Adam? 🐱
No. AdamCat was named for his adamant meow. Beba & Tuitui were both named by running words through Google translate till I found one I liked. Beba is “baby” in Croatian (I was originally hoping to get a Croatian neighbor to adopt her). Tuitui is “screamer” in Maori (cause she screeeeaaams for food and the Maori translation was best).
Oh, so you have some noisy little friends!
I did. I haven’t seen Tuitui in several days. I’m hoping she shows up tonight.
I hope so as well!
Eeeek! So cute!
14 girls and 1 guy? Ok here we go: Ummmm hold on. I can’t think that. That’s a lot of names…. the boy should be Dulty. Let me think about all the girls.
Yeah. Like a dult.
Adult? 🤠
No a dult. You know… what all guys are I mean act like.
Like a dolt? A stupid person? Do all guys act like that?
Dolt dult same thing. Yeah. Yeahhhhhhhhhh
Oh, a stereotype!😉
All men are dults is what I am hearing.
No! Not true.
Oh. I haven’t had a second cup of coffee yet, sorry.
Lol that’s funny!
Pours you 2 cups of milk and a cup of coffee!
Hey thanks!
You are welcome!!
What do you think, Pooja?
Wow! pretty !
Those are stock photos! The babies will be here Monday!🤠🔥
I know ! They look beautiful it’s mean babies will more beautiful ! 🤩
Caffy is good name!
Caffy! Caffy Duck! Like Caffeine?
Like Daffy Duck, but Caffy Duck?
As you wish caffy,shaffy,daffy!
Uncanny, Pooja Rani!
Duck, Buck, Cluck, Shmuck, Tuck, Chuck, Ruck, Luck, Truck, Stuck, Muck, Duke, Puke and Newt.
Amazing! It is as if you read my mind!
I’m good at that sort of thing.
It is not your third or fourth eye… I suspect it is your second nose that helps you in that endeavor. Cool superpower by the way.
Thanks. I do find it comes in handy.
A duck named Duck? Well, I did know someone with a cow named Cow one time.
My neighbor has a dog he calls Brown Dog.
It’s easy to remember.
I liked Ishaan’s joke about you going to prison.
Me as well! Pretty funny!!!!
As Herbthiel said, they will get their names from their personalities – and their looks. That is (mostly) how our hognose snakes are named. That gets to be my my job, aside from Alice who my husband named, I was away for a few days when she arrived and by the time I got back it was too late.
Personality is key! Thank you for the insight!
What are the different kinds of eggs you have eaten in your lifetime?
I think Grey is quite a cool name for a goose.
Grey is a great name!
I have eaten Goose, duck, chicken, pheasant. When fed the same, they all have similar taste. If ducks eat fish and drink dirty water, they taste awful!
Interesting. Thanks for the lesson.
Hello Friend!
What’s going on?
I got home! I have 3 days off!
Yay! Tell your Mother Happy Mothers Day!
How are you?
I am fine and you?
I am making breakfast for my wife!
oh! 👌👌
It will be tasty!!!
Duck Duck Duck!
Instagram, linkedln,twitter app are used ?
I use WordPress! You?
I am also used wordpress and other app!
You are on LinkedIn? Link?
yes! today i used.
Very Cool. I use my email and WordPress mostly!
I use only wordpress!
I thought you said you had tick tock, instagram, LinkedIn,
I login and install the app but logout all!
That is frustrating!
What is your LinkedIn name?
Pooja rani(crazy girl)
I don’t like facebook,instagram,twitter!!
Me either. There is too much drama.
yes! All the same in this app! time wasting for me perspective ! It’s only talk to other!
I write a lot more than I talk! I do talk a lot though!
yeah! It’s fine
Are you reading the Bible with us?
That makes me happy!
🤔Sunday on there!
Listening? 🤠🔥
Are you on the church service site?
Me too!
i listen two time! daily
Wow! That makes me very happy, friend!
In hindi language!
Do you wush to speak in Hindi?
I am writing a blog post saying you challenged me to sing and dance
He he!
You are slap me! oooo
👋 Hello!
What are your thoughts on Corona right now?
Well! what i say now lock down over here!
We are coming off one soon I hope!
My nose is running. Should I try and catch it?
If my nose is running, my feet smell.
Do you have any jokes?
I am going to plant sunflowers today!
I told my Family I want to name one Pooja🦆😃
When they arrive, I will be so happy!
You are a lady. I do not slap ladies.
Great !!
Indeed! Does that happen a lot where you live?
In rural area!
That sounds abusive.
indeed !
Wow! That is very special to me. I appreciate when you come to church ⛪
what are you used app?
Here are my suggestions:
FEMALES: Elsa, Anna, Raps, Mulan, Merida, Belle, Feathers, Fluffy, Ella, Gem, Emma, Tiara, Rey, Leia
MALE: Now, I know there is only one, but here are the suggestions I have for that one:
Kristoff, Patty, Quacks.
Way Cool Rachel! Thanks for the suggestions!!!
You’re welcome!
If I’m not too late, then I suggest: Duck McDuckson for the male and Duckhess, Ducklina, Duckaria, Ducky, Ducksia, Duckmonia, Ducktrude, Duchilda, Duckilinia, Duckette, Duckoria, Ducktapia, Duckeralda, Duckmila… You get the idea 😂
Awesomeness! You are not too late!