Brothers Campfire Ducks, Ice, Coffee, and Bread at Willow Manor

Hello! Benjamim from Brother’s Campfire here!

It is a little colder here in Colorful Colorado, (Colourful Colourado to my audience abroad) and the duckies tried their hand at ice skating for the first time. Ducks have no nerves in their webbed feet and are tolerant of cold environments. I went ahead and broke it up after this photo as well as three other water sources. Waterfowl need to be able to dunk their heads at a very minimum.

As you can see in the photo. Armando, the Goose provides overwatch for his flock. It is a fortunate thing that we are on good terms, because he looks for trouble, and when he finds it, he handles it.

In other news, a twelve year veteran of life made artisan bread for the first time. It was delicious!

Here is my advice for aspiring bakers.

While the combination of flour,water, salt, and yeast is an art form, it is scientific method first. Follow the directions first and then let your heart follow.

Coffee, on the other hand, I experiment with a little more.

I had a few “K Cup pods” laying around.

While I don’t have a Keurig to prepare them in,I do have the Dollar Tree. For one dollar we purchased a sink drain mesh cover and attempted a pour over with near boiling water.

The result was a flavorful cup of coffee!

So strong it trys to escape containment

Well folks, that’s all I have for now!

What are you all doing to pass the time when you are not at work or school?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

93 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Ducks, Ice, Coffee, and Bread at Willow Manor


    What are you all doing to pass the time when you are not at work or school?

    Sir currently I am in school and studying in class 12th facing so many problems due to covid because all the schools or coachings are closed
    Currently doing blogging for passing the time. Blogging has many advantages and very helpful for sharing our views.
    And preparing for exams 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      I like to write to pass the time! So many things are closed right now and I spent my vacation at home. Tomorrow I will be off to work.
      Thanks for your response, Sudarshan Paliwal! It is always nice to hear from you!

      1. SUDARSHAN PALIWAL says:

        Yes writing is the best way to pass the time. We should spread our knowledge or thought by writing.

          1. SUDARSHAN PALIWAL says:

            I live in Bhopal, India
            In the school we celebrate Christmas
            We celebrate each and every festival

          2. Benjamin says:

            Many years ago there was something called the Boston Tea Party where Patriots dumped tea in the sea as protest to a tax.

            I like Bengal Tea and so did my Grandmother.

    1. Benjamin says:

      American 🇮🇳 Indian food. Curry, and spinach dish I don’t remember the name of.
      I like spicy!

          1. Benjamin says:

            When you get the chance, come to Colorado and I will cook you up some tasty delectables!

          2. SUDARSHAN PALIWAL says:

            That’s so sweet of you
            And when you visit India please also visit my city Bhopal very beautiful city surrounded by 3 lakes and Bhopal also knows as City of Lakes

      1. Cindy Georgakas says:

        👏 zoom classes are going good.. one on ones still at a distance.. no one talks as much so that’s good.. lol..

  2. moragnoffke says:

    So nice to read about your life. It never gets cold enough here for the pond to freeze over. We are moving into summer here. Do a lot of walking the dogs, growing tomatoes and strawberries at the moment, otherwise I am always exploring and experimenting with art processes.

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is pretty neat how the world works in relation to weather. At the moment, most things are dormant.

      The art now, will you be posting it online?

      1. moragnoffke says:

        Yeah it is pretty neat, I marvel at the design and designer who created it.

        Yes I am preparing for a new series on art for people interested in art and creativity, I also plan to share some of my personal creative journey. I am still deciding whether I will start this year or the in January.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Well, let me know! If you would like to feature any of your art here, I would be proud to display it!

  3. Paquerite says:

    Is there any left over of this coffee? 😉
    When I’m not working I try to write and devote myself to my blog, it’s my bubble …
    I have been to Colorado twice, I have family there, cousins who live in Fountain and Colora Springs, this state is beautiful, I loved the landscapes, it is just magnificent ….
    see you soon

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Corinne, there is always coffee at the Campfire!

      It sounds like your family lives nearby! Perhaps I know them. Who could tell, it is a small world! Colorado is Beautiful!

      1. Paquerite says:

        It’s possible, who knows?
        I’m lucky to have been to Colorado, I visited Kissing Camels, Cripple Creek (my aunt liked going to the casino), Denver, and lots of artist villages, and then I went camping in the mountain and the quad with the wood-fired marshmallows !!.
        It was the dream when you were 14 years old, this is America …
        What I preferred is that everything is giant, the landscapes, the cars, the houses, the roads, the shops, the yogurts 🤣
        My first pancakes with sausages for breakfast, you can’t forget it !!! it’s so exotic
        My aunt is French and in the 1950s she married an American soldier she met in Paris, so she left there.
        Thank you for this exchange

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you for the vivid imagery of Colorado! It is all true!

          It is interesting you should say that. My Wife’s grandmother is from France and she came to America with her military husband.

          1. Paquerite says:

            It’s the truth, this state is sublime and yet I was born on a beautiful island in the Pacific (and I am very attached to the sea, it’s my DNA), but I must admit that Colorado is great !!
            It’s funny to also have a grandmother who comes from France and who marries an American;)
            Awesome !!!

          2. Benjamin says:

            Yes it is! My DNA shows I am a little bit of everything. Does that make me American? 🤠🔥

      1. Bon Repos Gites says:

        Great effort by a 12 years old!!
        Ha, ewwhh, of course no sugar 😉 I think that only happens in the States 😉

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! Perhaps sugar in bread is American! Yes, he did it by himself! Very Proud!

          1. Bon Repos Gites says:

            And rightly so!! There’s a real knack to making bread and for it to rise that much at a first attempt is impressive indeed 🙂

          2. Benjamin says:

            I agree.
            How is the weather over there, friend? It is a bit chilly here!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Yeah, the female goose, Trumpet has left her mark on me several times.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Why if it isn’t the Great CookingFlip.Wordpress.Com !!!

      Hello, and welcome!
      I love pour overs and drip.
      Do you use cream, or sugar?

      1. cookingflip says:

        Lol. I visited a very remote village before and was served coffee similar to what you just did–only it was “real”, ground coffee, in a makeshift strainer. It tasted good! I prefer my coffee black. I like your lifestyle! Ingenious and simple 😊👍

        1. Benjamin says:

          Dark, bitter pour overs are awesome. I too want some remote village coffee now!

          1. cookingflip says:

            Someday perhaps. On a mission trip (it was a small island, btw). Maybe you have a calling 😉

          2. cookingflip says:

            Lol, I was just teasing. We live for His glory, right where we are right now. Bless you, bro. 🙏🍀

          3. Benjamin says:

            You as well, Sis! You are a pleasure to have around the Campfire! Perhaps one day you can introduce yourself here!

          4. cookingflip says:

            Lol, we’ll see, and we also have plenty of time to catch up in eternity. ✨ Thank you, bro, I do enjoy the warmth and blessing of your campfire. 🔥☕🏕️🌳

          5. Benjamin says:

            Well, think about it. I would love to host you here one day! They will love you!

          6. cookingflip says:

            Lol, I’ll think about it, and thank you for the generous offer. You have a good day, bro, the Lord be with you. Cheers ☀

  4. Herb says:

    I love that coffee that tries to escape! That means it’s about strong enough.

  5. Herb says:

    That bread looks good with the butter melted on top.

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was! I am showing the 11 year veteran of life a few tricks today!

  6. Petra says:

    Poor duckies! It’s starting to freeze over here as well. Also, good job on the bread

    1. Benjamin says:

      The still sit in the shade so it must not be too bad yet! Thanks on the bread. He did it himself!

  7. achme24gmailcom says:

    Coffee is awesome

    1. Benjamin says:

      He knows his name and will look at you when you say it like he is listening.

        1. Benjamin says:

          He is as good as any gaurd dog for keeping small predators like small dogs, raccoons and skunks away. I am proud of Armando.

    1. Benjamin says:

      We gotta work with the resources we have!🤠🔥 Thanks for dropping by and reading my posts, friend!

  8. America On Coffee says:

    Birds are so perfect with morning and coffee. What a wakeup flutter. 🍂🍃🍂☕️☕️🎼☕️☕️

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