Brothers Campfire Church, Covid, Proglide, Purpose, and Pinching Pennies

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

We started the day off rough but got dressed for church for the online services at

If you want a Bible study, I will teach one to you.

I am looking my age today with the Covid, and I am less of a man. December 14th, 2020 I was 201 pounds and I am at 188 pounds or so depending on how much water I am retaining at the moment.

Yesterday, I wrote about shaving razors and how I have thoroughly cleaned them and overused them. I was asked if it saved me money throughout a year. The answer is, probably not much.

Roughly speaking, 50 dollars a year looking at this quick online search.

I am not endorsing this company. They can eat a rotten otter. I feel they state all men are bad. I am open to be swayed otherwise in the comments.

50 dollars a year. It will buy a decent pair of shoes for my son with a frugal online search.

I also buy a hundred dollar pair of hair clippers and run them until they break. Between me and my son, that is 40 dollars a month, or 480 dollars a year. Throw in the additional hair cuts for other family members and the pair of clippers gets its money’s worth.

My Daughter does not cut her hair. (A silly moment today!)

It costs me about 40 dollars a month to care for my bird habit, paid for in savings.

It was a freezing morning and the cold air hit those covid filled lungs like a sledgehammer. I embraced the hurt and broke the ice for aforementioned habit.

They also got fresh water with our Willow Manor patented process. It is worth the click.

I felt pretty good for opening up my lungs and walking around in the back yard for a bit. Like yesterday, Bubbles sat in the snow, watching the yard.

Well, not really. She just wants to play fetch. I threw her a few before I went inside.

Well, the day is not over, an we will listen to online services in a few hours.

You are welcome to join the streaming service at

(Edit… Only one service today.)

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

36 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Church, Covid, Proglide, Purpose, and Pinching Pennies

  1. herbthiel says:

    That’s a hoot. I remember as a youngster the ladies would wear what was called a Beehive hairdo. The older, “churched” ladies never cut their hair either and would pile it up on their head in very high hairstyles. I heard a story (I never witnessed it myself. It may be of Urban Legend quality, “My friend’s brother’s wife’s sister’s cousin’s roommate heard about…”) about a lady who got into the spirit in church and worshipped so hard that her oatmeal box fell out on the floor.
    The joys of shaving!

  2. kagould17 says:

    I’m with you on the razor blades, Benjamin. I am tired of paying $30 for 4 blades at the local drug or grocery store when I can get 16 for $50 at Costco. That’s 16 months of shaving for $50, but wait, that is also 16 months of bald guy haircuts. I can deal with that, especially when you consider I used to pay $30/month to cut my barely there hair. I am fighting the urge to replace the razor handle and simply replaced the AAA battery (ProGlide Power). You look good in your “Sunday go to meeting clothes”, even thought they are now “Sunday stay home for the meeting clothes”. Stay well. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I am glad we are on the same page! Unnecessary expense. Thank you for the compliment, Allen. I find it good to dress up for church.

  3. Cassa Bassa says:

    Benjamin, I still can’t set notification of new post from both of your sites in my Manage Following Blogs. The only way I read your posts is comb through the Reader page. Other blogs I followed don’t have such issue. I wonder if you can shed some light.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hmmm. I am self hosted. That may be one of the problems. I noticed you said both sites. Are you referring to Herb Thiel’s site as well? I only have one site.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you. I passed it on for support. Have you thought about an email subscription while you wait?

          1. Cassa Bassa says:

            I don’t have my eamil notification on, the same as other social media except WhatsApp, this is to help manage my social media consumption. 😁

  4. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View says:

    I paid twelve bucks for clippers three years ago. I use it for haircuts and my face, My boys also use it for cleanups. To say I got my money’s worth is an understatement. Somehow Online church just isn’t the same but I do what I must glad to see you can do it and you are feeling better

    Promote Laughter

    1. Benjamin says:

      Online church is not what I want. I would like to be there in person. Unfortunately….

      12 dollars is a screaming deal. I have burned out a few of the cheaper ones. In facr, it is time for new Clippers!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Nothing wrong with penny pinching. Hope you all start feeling better soon.

  6. seankfletcher says:

    Ah – I stopped shaving many years ago, my neck underneath my beard that is! I do get a haircut roughly every 4 – 5 weeks and my beard trimmed at the same time (and they will kindly shave my neck). The moral of the story – it has been over 20 years since I ran the risk of my wife blunting the good old Gillette razor that I used to have 🤣

  7. achme24gmailcom says:

    Good Times bro! And good habits.

  8. Cindy Georgakas says:

    You’re looking good with covid and nice job on the weightloss. Can’t believe you’re all dressed up! ❤️👏

      1. Cindy Georgakas says:

        you’re so welcome!!! Impressive.. that’s why I like the church of Cindy in my robe.. lol. ❤️🤣

          1. Cindy Georgakas says:

            yes, indeed… it was a more the bathrobe etc I was referring too”. might covid have lost your sense of humor?

          2. Benjamin says:

            I believe if you read my next post, you will see an abundance of humor!

  9. leendadll says:

    Isn’t it amazing to fill your lungs after you haven’t dine so in awhile?!?

    Isn’t there a website, like or, that sells razors really inexpensively?? I use my razors to death too but no one sees me!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is! And it is painfully pleasant!

      There are, I am sure. I look good in public with my overused razors!

      1. leendadll says:

        For me, the first puff on a nebulizer instantly allows me to breathe deeply and it’s WONDERFUL!!

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