Brothers Campfire Updates on Beloved

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

They say all work and no play makes for a dull boy, but I would disagree to some extent. Work has been a rollercoaster of life experiences lately. Prisons are like that, and sociopaths and psychopaths tend to be mean to each other in close confines.

I have had additional exposure to work as I am trying to pick up a LOT of overtime to afford medical Co-pays. Those add up after a while. The therapy is worth it; my Beloved steadily makes progress.

Recently, the insurance denied Botox to loosen up her left arm, but we decided to go with it anyway. Fortunately for us, the insurance company changed their mind and approved it.

She can feel the muscles and tendons trying to work near her wrist, so that is positive!

The hospital stay granted me an additional twenty pounds from sitting around eating zoom zooms and wham whams. I have had to cut back a bit at the dinner table.

Well, that is all I have. I wish you all the best this week!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

74 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Updates on Beloved

  1. cheriewhite says:

    Zoom zooms and wham whams? 🤣😂🤣😂 I’m dying! Thank you for the laugh, Ben! On a more serious note, I’m so glad the insurance company made the about face and approved Isabel’s treatment. I pray she gets the strength back in her arm. And from the remarkable progress she’s made in the last three months, I have no doubt that she will! 😊💖

  2. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    This is wonderful news that the insurance company decided to pay for the Botox treatments. Isabel is making so much progress. I hope she continues to gain strength in her arm and wrist.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thanks! 🤠🔥 When the weather lets up, consider stopping by the Campfire. Then you can do a blog post about it!


  3. Under the mask.. says:

    Our God sees your every sacrifice. (And I would bless you, too, if I could.🌷) Kudos as well to your wife.. she’s amazing!

  4. Jewish Young Professional "JYP" says:

    You sound so busy! I’m glad it worked out with the insurance and the Botox treatment, and I am happy to hear about Isabel’s continued recovery. Best wishes to you all

  5. KT Workman says:

    Good to hear your beloved continues to improve. As for insurance companies, I’ve heard that many will deny a claim even though they know it’s legitimate because up to 75% of people won’t try again.

    1. Benjamin says:

      We try, and then try again. We have everything at stake here!

  6. endorsum says:

    🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 it’s nice to see your Beloved standing

  7. anne leueen says:

    Your beloved is on my prayer wheel.🙏I am glad she is making progress. Recovery is a tough haul but so worth it.

  8. elvira797mx says:

    Wow! Your beloved is going to be stronger every day, I pray for her. Thank’s for share friend.
    Keep well.

    1. Benjamin says:

      We are stronger because of you. Thank you for helping us with your kid words along the way. 🤠🔥

      1. elvira797mx says:

        Aww! Thank you so much for Your kindness. It is just friends are for support. Keep well 🙏🏻😊

  9. Dominic Alapat says:

    Happy to hear that your wife is making steady progress! Glad that the insurance company changed its decision over the Botox treatment! Best wishes to you guys!

  10. James Viscosi says:

    Good report on your wife ― I’m glad the insurance company reversed themselves on the botox. I would say it’s amazing the things they try to get away with not covering, but in another lifetime I worked for an insurance company and so very little that they do surprises me …

  11. Omatra7 says:

    Awww.. you are a beautiful soul!

    I’m sooo glad to hear she is doing so well ❤️ so happy insurance let her have the Botox

    Lol on the 20 …
    It will come off – summer is coming and you working a lot… you active taking care of people and things … don’t get too stressed and skinny

    But yes stay healthy!!

    Ps you should have seen MY medical bills 😳😮 omg – which way they wanna kill me ?? lol

  12. Beverly says:

    Praise the Lord for moving as ya’ll stepped out in faith on the Botox! 🙌 So happy! Continued prayers for your beloved during this recovery process and for your family. 🙏 God is able! 🙌

  13. Shauna says:

    I’m glad the Botox helped. I wish her a speedy recovery!

      1. Cassa Bassa says:

        Will keep praying for God’s provision for you and your household. 🙏

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