Brothers Campfire News Commentary

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

I was given a 259.00 chainsaw yesterday for cutting down a rather small, dead, lilac bush.

The bizzare part was, it fired right up when I added new fuel and chainsaw oil. Small and compact, it is a powerful little chainsaw. I felt so bad for the one sided deal that I dug the tree put by the roots as well.

However, it was a gamble, because I did not try it out until I got home.

That is my news at the moment. I have a few choice things to say about other news though.

Professor Fired

According to the Gaurdian, a professor was recently fired because his class was too hard.

You know what is hard?

Getting up at 5 am and arguing with inmates all day then looking for side jobs afterwards until 10 pm because you dont have a degree only to barley make your house payment is hard.

Put your thinking caps on, stop smoking weed, sharing STDs, and getting drunk, and STUDY.

Snowflakes Tackled

Some protesters thought it would be an excellent idea to injure a security guard and run onto a football field full of men trained from childhood to flatten other men.

They complained. The smoke carrying protestors complained that they were assaulted. Ha ha ha ha !


Elon Musk knows exactly what he is doing. He has made a statement about free speech, caused a lot of anxiety and may very well make a lot of cash. That stock is climbing according to the news.

Colorado Department of Corrections

It would seem no one wants to work in the CDOC. It looks like there is a 7000.00 USD sign-on bonus for new hires and a bonus that starts “this month” for some staff that could total up to 4000.00 USD. If only we knew someone that worked there, we could find out how that is working and what the additional underlying causes of retention are.

Freeeeee Falling

Some guy tried to do a handstand on a 15th floor balcony and fell to his death.

My advice to the living; Don’t Do That.

Well, that is all for now. Please leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

15 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire News Commentary

    1. Benjamin says:

      You aren’t kidding. If the lady wasn’t hovering, it would have been a five minute job instead of a fifteen minute job. Either way, Great deal!

  1. Iseult Murphy says:

    So glad the chainsaw worked out. I’m sure the couple were very grateful for the great job you did.

  2. herbthiel says:

    Cool beans on the chainsaw! I agree with your impressions of those news articles. The link to the professor story only went to the Guardian logo and the Wall Street Journal article was behind a paywall.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Aww, bummer on the link. I sometimes can’t tell which ones give me “free articles”.

  3. TamrahJo says:

    Glad you got your chainsaw! I tried last May to order one in for my ‘bigger than pruning shears/saw-saw, but not big enough to require safety harness’ stuff – and well – it never came – said shipped but never left the ‘inventory warehouse floor’ and got my ‘refund of price paid’ in August – after 4 phone calls/3 emails – etc. LOL

    If only lived closer or taking kindling/rocket stove fuel/dehydrated food for payment would free up gas $/time resources for ya! – LOL 😀

  4. Cassa Bassa says:

    Both rich people and poor people and people in between go to heaven. Brother Benjamin, I pray that you will be the rich guy who makes it to heaven.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Likewise friend. I am rich in God, and relationships, and blessed with an urban farm.

      1. Cassa Bassa says:

        “ Stockpile treasure in heaven… The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.” Kudos to you brother Benjamin! 🤗

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