Brothers Campfire Harbors Inlaws and Outlaws

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here! 

I am writing from a tablet for the first time I can remember and it is an adjustment. The wireless keyboard allows me to use more than my thumbs to type. Sadly, I am much  slower at the moment. 

My father in law arrived today after  a 15 hour drive from Illinois. He informed us that he took one 15 minute nap and around 8 pitstops. That  is remarkable endurance.

My Beloved’s parents have decided to move to Colorado to assist in caring for her. They will be staying with us for  while until they  find a place of their own. Fortunately, my father in law is military retired and   able to find work in a nearby town.

Work for me has been pretty laid back, but that isn’t necessarily good; volunteers are not allowed in facility at the moment, leaving the  offenders restless and without  church services and programs. Because of the lull,I have elected to work  in other areas for  now and have taken on some overtime to catch up  on the bills.  Co Pays add up after a while.

Be right Back….

Whew. Back to the phone. It will take some time to get adjusted to the medium size keyboard.

I use a full-size one at work. Perhaps I should try that sometime.

Anyway, it is good to have my inlaws over; they are good people.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

31 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Harbors Inlaws and Outlaws

  1. Gersom Clark says:

    Ben, that is a force multiplier. These tiny keys are a bit a problem. Blessings and prayers for you and your larger family!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Friend! I am gearing up to write a story and the last few I wrote were by phone. I have very strong thumbs, lol!

  2. KT Workman says:

    It’s wonderful that you have family to help. I’ve known people in similar situations as yours that received no help from their families, even parents or grown siblings. God bless your in-laws.💕

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you KT Workman! It is good to have you as Brothers Canpfire family as well! 🤠🔥☕

  3. Ryan Callahan says:

    That’s nice they are moving out there to help. Most of my family is from Illinois. I have made that drive between IL and CO many times. 15 hours is making real good time. Sounds like they are from the Quad cities area. Peoria maybe? Most of my relatives live in Galesburg. Blessings to you all!

    1. Benjamin says:

      My inlaws were living in Peoria.
      I am sure glad they chose to relocate and help.
      And thank yoh for stopping by! 🤠🔥☕

  4. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    This is so good news parents comeing and staying 🌷👌🌝🌷 if children grown up and have family also if they know daughter having sick never sit peace of mind, all parents same and
    Sure they will come and stay for a while !! Everything ok, then only they can live happily , me
    Also !! Parents unconditional love always be there !! So you can relax 🙏👌👏 Best wishes 🌝

  5. Eugenia says:

    That’s wonderful to have family to help. I hope all goes well and sending hugs and blessings to your beloved.

  6. Webb Blogs says:

    So nice to have family near and able to help. I wish you all the best. 🙂

  7. Cassa Bassa says:

    I live with my parents, beside I am the only child, they have also been helping me to look after my son, so I can work full time and pay bills. I could not have done good parenting without my parents kindness and help. Living with parents/ in laws (I did that for 11 months too) has its challenges, but I feel overall, they are a blessing.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hey, I have been there. It is an emotional and economically sound choice.

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