Brothers Campfire Feeds A Rat

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

0400 is a beautiful time to read my Bible and pray before everyone gets up and starts moving around. I can brew up a pot and work on blogging as well. Apparently, There is no “free” time for a parent unless you carve it out of the early morning hours.

Today was different. I woke my children up and dropped them off for youth camp. They were excited and ready for interstate travel.

This event is well chaperoned by folks I know and trust. I am excited for them and want them to grow in God while they are there.

I will miss them.

Today, I taught Pressure Point Control Tactics ,Threat Pattern Recognition, and Use of Force through Human Factor Research Group. At the end of the day, I had a few bumps and bruises!

I am not unaccustomed. Growing up short and white in a few rowdy neighborhoods, there were a fair amount of fistfights.

Boy Scouts involved a lot of scuffles as well, believe it or not.

As an adult, I joined a medieval combat club and studied Kenpo Karate, Filipino Stick Fighting, and Ninjitsu. I am not a ninja, but that is what a ninja will tell you. I will let you figure that one out.

My passion for teaching such things was not from these experiences. Bluntly, It was the arrogant instructors at the corrections academy that motivated me. They treated recruits like trash, and I wanted to make a change. To be honest, I haven’t made much of a dent.

Tomorrow, I will teach an emotional intelligence class. It is kind of a big switch.

The drive home was pretty nifty. It was hot and semi-arid, my kind of weather. It would have been better with coffee and a few tortillas to munch on. I suppose that isn’t hard to accommodate next time.

I came home to see unfamiliar plants. Isabel was quite excited about them. They looked good to me.

Inside green will be good. Woodchips will steadily encroach outside due to expenses. Some things will remain like my grape vines This year, an abnormal growth I havent seen in three long years is emerging from it. Perhaps you, my audience, can identify it.

Since my children are away, I have been tasked with watching Claire, our household rat. I am unsure why we have a household rat, but I overfed her just to be safe.

Well, that is all for today. The WordPress application has been quite laggy and I have to exit out frequently. Sometimes it makes me wait like 45 seconds to create a new block even with high-speed internet. It is making things difficult. We will see you all soon!!#

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

31 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Feeds A Rat

  1. anne leueen says:

    That is quite a nice looking rat not just the grey evil sewer rat sort of rat. Keep feeding this one!

  2. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    The rat video was funny and I love the music. The gym at 4 am is my time to listen to the bible and pray. Your wife’s plants made a lovely addition to your home. I had several overbearing instructors during my MANDT training. I hope your children have a great time at camp. It has been unbearable hot and smokey the last couple of days here. We are getting more green here every day.

    1. Benjamin says:

      The Rat is pretty cool. She has an “s” on her underbelly. I jope things cool down a bit over there!

  3. leendadll says:

    Grapes!!! I think our rarely got larger than that.
    Enjoy the extra time while kids are away!

  4. Eugenia says:

    I love your wife’s plants. Plants always add cheer and color to a room. The rat is cute and seems to have found a good home.

  5. Kym Gordon Moore says:

    Wishing you a Happy Father’s Day! Your mouse…I mean RAT doesn’t turn down any food does it? Too cute. Love the accompanying music on your video by the way. 🤩😁😍

  6. Sarah Angleton says:

    My husband has wanted a pet rat for years. Maybe someday. I think for now it would upset the dog too much.

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is hard to get the whole dynamic right. My dog is pretty chill so I don’t have a lot of worries.

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