Body By Bologna By Benjamin, Brothers Campfire


Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here.

I have recently live-streamed a few of my favorite workouts. There is no shame in my game as I pose with a flawless double chin and protrude my belly past my natural posture.

Some folks take themselves much to seriously. All of my workouts were fun and productive.

Last year, and the year before, the aerator guy fell through. He may have fallen into the earth by making holes in the wrong place, but he didn’t show. I have committed to doing it myself with a pick-mattock 100 reps at a time 6 days a week. I would say that will keep me in shape, but my heart rate only goes to 106 BPM.

I also have been processing clay in my backyard and making pots and bowls. Working a glob of clay is an excellent use of upper-body strength.

In my third workout, I went ahead and demolished a few offensive pieces of wood that were getting in my way with a sledgehammer. I will use this to build a pottery fire.

Some find my workouts boring. I am down with that. I am staying fit and productive at the same time.

Some might say I am not fit. I am not a Calvin Klein model, but I can wake at five and work steadily until dark; day in and day out. Bologna you say? Come on over and work out with me. This Body Is Bologna.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

31 thoughts on “Body By Bologna By Benjamin, Brothers Campfire

  1. Cindy Georgakas says:

    If everyone did what you did, they wouldn’t need to workout Ben! Nice 👏. good you didn’t end with a beer. 😂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I ended with water. On a few of those clips, I may or may not have drank coffee.

  2. cheriewhite says:

    Wow! That’s a biiiig hunk of bologna there, Ben! And it sounds and looks like you’re progressing nicely in your strength and endurance! Give Isabel my love!

  3. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    Great workouts for the outside. I appreciate the humor. We are so glad to be home. Of course we all came down with Covid-19. We came home to lush gardens.

  4. Cassa Bassa says:

    I got your message brother! Do house work and work in the yard with diligence and a joyous heart.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad you read one! I was just blowing off steam being silly!

  5. Omatra7 says:

    Hahaha 😊❤️ very funny post

    Body by bologna lol

    Ahh to age gracefully lol 🙏🙏🙏

    I see age kinda coming to my face too… all the crying did not help me lol … I officially passed the half way mark this year lol 😮

    My body is not by bologna lol 😄😄 … body by former athletics lol … and then a section by some plastics laboratory lol ✌️

    I will have to watch your workouts lol … cool … I don’t do gyms… I am more of walker, former track & field/volleyball … former former former lol ✌️😄

    I walk and swim. I don’t run anymore lol … nor do I do volleyball anymore (that was my favorite!)

    Do you work with a trainer? Is that through work or do you pay for it? Lol

    I am not paying a place to go do things I don’t like to do anyway lol – never been a gym person lol

    When my people would ask me to go to gym … ugh 😑 ok … I be in pool or hot tub – maybe tennis 🎾 or racket ball – where’s the juice bar? Lol

    But yeah I am a horrible gym workout person 😮🤷‍♀️

    I do better with adventure workouts ?

    I prefer not to do gyms, I am uncomfortable in gyms. But like said never been gym person, also never needed.

    Maybe now tummy could use couple sit ups lol – Covid lol ✌️ also comfort foods during stress lol – not bad but kinda getting soft lol

    But I do that at home.

    Does your wife go with you ? Does she like the gym? Do you team workout with each other?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Almost all my workouts are free and outside…adventures if you will.

      1. Omatra7 says:

        Hahaha I did not see some of video until now … yes I see 🙌

        I can not swing something heavy like that. I could probably barely just pick that up? But I don’t have chest strength so doesn’t count lol ✌️ I can’t because of all the surgeries and then implants so… that’s just as is.

        What do you do for your tummy? How you work that out?

        I good everywhere else – I just need toning … legs and other areas all get worked out – I walk… but I wanna tone the belly … I can do sit ups or crunches. And that’s fine.

        What is not heavy and not have to use chest, I do not have to be on back lol… and can tone belly? lol … just a little so isn’t soft – is fine, I just want it tighter ✌️

  6. Sarah Angleton says:

    I’m always up for trying out a new workout system. I just need to find something I can sledgehammer without regret. Hm…

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