Asian Jumpimg Worms Invade Brothers Campfire… Again


Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

The other day, I wrote about the evils of earthworms according to the news.

CT Insider has them sighted on tops of buildings and bringing mercury and lead to the top of the soil, poisoning bird populations. While it acknowledges these white-banded worms cant jump, these fellas are like siege equipment, toppling New England walls. I am a wee bit cynical.

According to the article, there are no proven ways to stop them. However, the Connecticut Hammerhead Worm may be the answer. Whew… scary! Our hope is in the Connecticut Hammerhead worm!

According to some sources online, all earthworms in the US are not beneficial.

Here is what I find strange.

China faces an earthworm wipeout by means of evil online electrical equipment that can easily be found online.

To facilitate the burgeoning harvesting industry, gadgets with names such as “Soil Dragon Machine” or “Earthworm Electrocuting Machine” have appeared on the market and cost anything between 100 and 800 yuan (US$15-US$120) online. An investigative report by state broadcaster CCTV found that some outlets had sold more than 100,000 such units.

South China Morning Post

So, this national treasure that can be found in China’s fertile soils is being exploited, dried,and sold is facing a demise.

There are so many contradictory statements when you put it all together. In China they are a value in fertile soil. In the US, they are the scourge of the earth. There are few effective methods of control stateside, and Soil Dragon Machines are flying off the shelves in China.

I don’t get it.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

8 thoughts on “Asian Jumpimg Worms Invade Brothers Campfire… Again

  1. Lorin Black says:

    In their native habitat they have co-evolved with the other native species, so they can thrive together. If they are disrupting ecosystems where there are no checks and balances they are a problem. Kind of like a tractor- it belongs outdoors, not in your living room.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I see.
      I have been raised all my life to think earthworms were ok. So far, I have been unable to distinguish much difference between the asian nightcrawler and the European nightcrawler.

      1. Lorin Black says:

        Yeah. While I think there’s reason for ecologist etc. to be concerned, I think there’s an element of them being this year’s scary invasive species. Heard much about Murder hornets recently?

        1. Benjamin says:

          I feel it os a distraction. When I add up all the facts I am told about Asian Jumping worms, I am left lacking information that helps me justify the hate.

  2. herbthiel says:

    I am still waiting to see any of them jump. The pictures look exactly like the worms we used to “shine” when I was a boy. After a rain or after sprinkling in the evening you go out with a flashlight looking for them and use them for fishing or to sell to relatives who fished. But really, the whole story is fishy.

    1. Benjamin says:

      The murder hornet thingy didn’t take. There are so many unanswered questions.

      It is fishy. This is an example of how media outlets mislead us.

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