Isabel Thiel, My Beloved Shows Us How To Paint

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

My Beloved is doing pretty well and is scheduled to come home on December 30th. At the moment, she cannot use her left side but she is learning to leverage her right.

She will receive similar therapy at home and we are arranging for it to be an easy transition.

She is an artist and she was able to complete a painting yesterday.

Art by Isabel

It took a lot of focus to balance in addition to the painting. Special thanks to Nurse Colleen for the materials and to Ashley T for the easel.

Art By Isabel

There are an untold amount of folks to thank. I cannot begin to start. Without everyone, she woudnt have come so far so fast.

Sometimes we can do amazing things in the face of adversity especially when loved ones are there.

I think she did quite well. What do you think?

Art By Isabel

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

87 thoughts on “Isabel Thiel, My Beloved Shows Us How To Paint

  1. Alice says:

    Love it and love even more that she’s coming home!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed! I suggested to her that she take the idea of painting home as she recovers. We will see. 🤠🔥

  2. Hobbo says:

    Wow, very good news and an amazing picture. Beautiful!

        1. Benjamin says:

          She is classicly YouTube trained. 🤠🔥❄🎊✨🎁🎀🎇

          1. the mouse says:

            Much like Bieber’s singing and that guys worth millions now 😉

          2. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! Interesting comparison!
            Yesterday, I was on Spotify and searched for 1990 s Christmas songs for my Beloved and he was on a playlist. That left me scratching my head!🤠🔥❄🎊🎊✨🎀🎆🏗🎄🎁🎁

          3. the mouse says:

            Oh yeah. He has a finger in a lotta pies. I think many of us think of Bieber and scratch our heads. But you can’t fault his results. 😏

  3. Giada says:

    Absolutely gorgeous art!!! 😍🥰❤️❤️❤️

  4. mattsnyder1970 says:

    Impressive work…given the circumstances..shows just how strong and determined Isobel is 😁

  5. Ryan Callahan says:

    Beautiful painting! So glad she is able to paint. Praying for her. God bless you all! Merry Christmas!

  6. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Your wife draw photos gorgeous 🌷👏 So talented and very glad to know that
    She recovering fast , Bring back home she some more will get relaxation 👏👌
    Wishing you and family lots of happiness this joyful occasion 🎄💟🎉 God Bless

    1. Benjamin says:

      I think you are right that she will get more relaxation at home, Thattamma. I also want her to get good therapy when she returns. 🤠🔥❄🎄✨🎊🎀🎁

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! Merry Christmas to you as well! 🤠🔥❄🎄🎆🎇🎊✨🎁🎀

    2. Benjamin says:

      She has a long way to go, but she is making good progress getting there! Merry Christmas to you as well! 🤠🔥❄🎊✨🎁🎀

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I think she did a great job painting this as well! 🤠🔥

  7. douryeh says:

    She can ask money for her work ^5 It’s really good. Merry Christmas & a happy new year 💖💛🌟

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I will pass this on! 🤠🔥❄🎊✨🎁🎁🎇🎄

  8. vikaherbs says:

    I love the art! All love and playfulness despite the surrounding conditions. Isobel must be definitely a strong woman with huge heart. I wish you both all the best and Merry Christmas! Ivana

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ivana, thank you for stopping by this fine Christmas day! Isabel is indeed strong! We get some of our encouragement from amazing people like you! 🤠🔥❄🎊✨🎁🎀🎇🎄

  9. barbaratheeny says:

    Merry Christmas to your family. Yeah Isabel. I never could do people but she did a beautiful job. Hurray on coming home soon, I miss not seeing you. Thank you Ben.

  10. Jeff says:

    That is a beautiful painting. Thank you for sharing it!

  11. Beverly says:

    Thank you so much for the updates. Yes, she did an amazing job…so happy for her. Continued prayers for her and for you all,l with the transition. God will work it out. 🙏

    Merry Christmas to you all! 🎁 🎄

  12. mic says:

    👌👌👌🖼 wow..I hold my fists for good luck …. beautiful drawing💝🌹🌹🌹

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed! Thank you! I will pass this along! 🤠🔥❄🎊🎇🎁🎁

    1. Benjamin says:

      Coleen, a nurse in rehab has it hanging on her wall at home.

  13. The Rural Iowegian says:

    Strokes have a high level of sucktivity, been there, done that. The painting is beyond beautiful! Never stop encouraging Isabel!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you friend. I hope you or the one who had the stroke gets better.

  14. anne leueen says:

    The painting is lovely.I think it is so important for her to be able to continue with something she has a passion for in life. Bravo to her and to all those who have made this possible for her!

  15. seekingdivineperspective says:

    I love it! Love the way the umbrellas are a splash of color on the grey ess if a rainy, foggy day. 😚👍
    Sorry for the late response. I recently found this post in my spam folder, along with a bunch of others that didn’t belong there. 🤨 I’m glad I found it.

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