Akanksha Singh- Where Is Bulbul, Brothers Campfire Asks

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Master Storyteller Akanksha, who goes by Bubul has been gone from the blogosphere for months.

She has been with Brother’s Campfire since the beginning and has been a calm encouragement to our family for the two plus years I have known her.

A while back, she wrote this beautiful story about a blue blanket. It is touching enough to make me cry every time I read it. I doubt I could read it aloud in it’s entirety without cracking.

When you have friends on the other side of the world, there is a hopeless feeling when you do not hear from them. I left a few comments with no response. This stressed me out a good deal, but there was nothing more I could really do.

Then, out of nowhere, she showed up and posted!

Akanksha Singh went out and got married! Here is a link to her post!

and…I am back!

First of all, a big big hello to you. How are you doing? I hope this year is treating you better than the previous two. Now, I know it has been so long since the last time I was here and in case you were wondering under which rock I’ve been hiding these past many […]

and…I am back!

We here at Brothers Campfire wish you lots of love and happiness on your new journey!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

12 thoughts on “Akanksha Singh- Where Is Bulbul, Brothers Campfire Asks

  1. tamburelli’sThankfulnessandlove says:

    Just got done reading The Blue Blanket-Akanksha Singh and Wow !! Very touching and moving . Reading this really touched my heart. As I read it a lot came to my mind. Knowing there are so many out their that we’re left A banded due to parents not able to raise them or some other reason; which is sad . Thinking how the percentage is high of kids being raised by one parent due to Divorce, one of the parents leaving them, or a death…the list goes on. But knowing they are never alone . What is beautiful like the story ended is that individual grew up and had a family of his own; a beautiful precious baby and a wife.
    Thank you for sharing !!!

      1. Bulbul says:

        Thank you friend, I can say that I am learning from The (best) Storyteller himself. 🙂

    1. Bulbul says:

      @Tamburelli’sThankfulnessandlove Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your kind words and am happy to know that it made you think, that’s all I intend to do from my stories. We all sometimes get caught up in our own daily life struggles so much to pay attention to the less fortunate. Thank you.

  2. Arushi says:

    She is truly a gem and her stories satisfy the soul🌼

  3. Bulbul says:

    Oh my god!! I am seriously at loss for words, Ben, I overwhelmed by your very kind gesture of writing this post and sharing my work. I am extremely grateful to say the least. THANK YOU.
    Also I apologize for vanishing abruptly earlier on an undefined hiatus without any prior intimation. I will surely avoid doing so in the future (In my defense, I never expected that I’ll be missed but I am glad to have found out.)
    Take care, friend, always. 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      🤠🔥☕You are a kind, gentle soul, hard to forget!

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