Hello Friends!
Today is a hodgepodge of all sorts of things in no real order. Like totally random!

I am still waiting for my ducks from Cackle Hatchery. Apparently, they are in transit. I hope they are ok!
It is really quiet with only Trumpet in the yard. I have been watching the last known footage of my friends. I wanted them to be full when they left for the journey ahead. I know they are safe!
Speaking of food, on Mother’s Day we went to El Super Taco and ordered a Jumbo Burrito. They mean business when they say jumbo. The lady at the window was wearing latex gloves and stated, ” here’s your 👶 baby!”

The burrito must have weighed 7 pounds!

Mother’s day was a full one. We got a birdbath for my Beloved. It was too small for her, so we elected to let the birds use it.

On the topic of the outdoors, the cattails look great!

The bite, rash, or exposure has died down. It hurt all night. It makes me wonder about the sanity of those that are purposely bitten by Bullet Ants.
Well, I am off for a run with my Beloved. I will see you all in a little bit!
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The ducky eating the worm?
She was a great forager!
Oh! i see
My mom always used to have the Cattails – she loved those …
Only we call them something different lol 😄✌️
I get it. I have never transplanted them before. I hope the ducks like them!
Oh my that burrito!
It was amazing too!
No doubt!
Balancing act… cool!
That worm, ew!
That baby looks tasty!
That was a tasty burrito!
The balancing act was awesome!
Ha ha! Thank you!.
You’re welcome!!
I need a seven pound burritos now. Thanks.
Anytime. 16 dollars plus shipping, handling and refrigerating.
Hmmm… might be worth it.
🚂🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚋🚃En Route.
It is complicated to transport
For sure. Hence the 19th century technology employed.
What’s a burrito? Heard of it often but no idea
🇺🇲🤠 🌯🔥 🇮🇳🍛👦🏻
It is all the food you enjoy wrapped in a tortilla, a flat, pliable piece of bread.
Aren’t tortillas french?
Oh and I guess we call burritos frankies in India.
Unless they are different
I do not know. I would try a frankie
I just checked. Frankies are indian burritos. I wonder why they are named frankies 😃
Probably because of Indian obsession with western culture.
You should make a post on Frankies! I would try them!
😁I would. But there is much better food out there.
And most of the ‘Indian food’ you find in America is as indian as an iphone.
So American ” Indian food” is Chinese?
😂🤣I see what you did there.
No. It is cooked by a cook named Tim.
I went there! Tim’s Pretty Good Indian Food” joke
I would have said as indian as google. But oh well. Sundar Pichai would cause confusion. And then I thought microsoft, but Satya Nadella would do the same.
You seem to have many people of indian origin there!
We are a melting pot of nations. I am proud of our country for it.
Yeah, like that!
What do you manufacture in the US?
Ha ha! Good question. Cars? Freedom of expression?
Cars are great.
Freedom of expression is a good thing to manufacture.
How are things there? What is Trump doing
I actually do not know other than what I read in the news.
The news cannot be trusted.
It can be difficult to navigate forb the truth at times.