A Love Blossom Campfire Tale -Chapter 1

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here! Zahra, who calls me Brother has fiction story of her own to tell. Today, I will sit back and enjoy a tale.

Me fading into the background

Hey!!! Here you are!!!
Today, I am very excited because it’s the first day of my internship. I’ve finally made it. I can’t believe my father allowed me to come to this city and even allowed me to do the job.
Aahhh!! what a stupid girl I am. I didn’t even introduce myself and started talking. Let me introduce myself first.
Hello! My name is Jazzelle. I am a bachelor of Arts student.

I have just completed my second year. And now I am here…..I mean I am in Mumbai for my internship.

It’s a very big thing for me because till now I was living a pampered and a princess’ life. If I did need something, I only needed to say it and my brothers will bring it to me. It’s very good, isn’t? But it makes me think of myself as a puppet or a lame person who can’t do anything by herself.

I’ve worked very, very, very hard to get here. I blackmailed my father. 🙄🙄😅😅😅 No, I mean I emotionally blackmailed him. And I accepted his conditions and now finally I am here! 😁😁😁

Let’s see how my first day of office will go.

The manager of my department is bringing me to meet my colleagues. Here we are.

Hello! I am Jazzelle, new intern of this department. I’ll be your colleague. Please take care of me!🙏🙏😇
“Welcome 🤗”

The Manager says, “ Jazzelle, here is our department head. Mr. Armaan Malik.”
Hello sir I am Jaz……..😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

(Wait, what is this. I think we have met before.)
So guys let me take you a few months ago…….
I came to Mumbai for my brother’s engagement. My brother, sister in law and many friends and I went to the amusement park .

“Oh no. I am late. They are gonna think I am lost. Run fast Jazelle! Run……….. aaahhhh.
Oh no……” I bumped into someone.
“ I am sorry, I am really very sorry.” I apologized to the man , who was on the ground, and had ice cream all over his shirt. ( It’s funny, isn’t it? No Jazzelle, bad manners you shouldn’t laugh. 🤐🤣🤣🤣🤣.)

He was angry.
“Are you blind? Don’t you have your eyes or are you a mole?”

The guy was scolding me badly. Actually, he was swearing at me. 😟😟😡😡 I didn’t understand what to say. I was just looking at him.
“Speak up. Have you lost your voice as well?”
I seem to have lost for a time being. But I gathered myself and said, “ see, I bumped into you and because of me, you got hurt and I messed up with your shirt. I apologise to you. If you want I can wash it. Please come with me.”

We went to a cafeteria sink.
“Please give me your shirt.” I said politely.
He didn’t say anything and took off his outermost shirt.
I said in my mind “ wow, he really knows how to fill a shirt”😳. He was very strong looking.

“Give it to me.” I took his shirt and started to wash it. But still I stared at him from the corner of my eye. Above his strong shoulders was a cold and handsome face.
“It’s done. I’ve washed it. Again I am sorry for today…..” I didn’t even complete my word and a guy who seem to be his assistant came and said,
“sir, your suit.

I am sorry. I got late because of the crowd.”
“Wait. What the….. If you already have an extra suit why did you ask me to wash your shirt?” I said very angrily.
Buttoning his fresh shirt, he coldly said, “when did I ask you to wash it? YOU said you would clean it.”

Very shockingly, I said “shouldn’t you refuse my offer to wash your shirt?”
“Why would I ? You have dirtied it. It’s your duty to clean it,” He said it without any single expression.
I was speechless after this. I exhaled breath and glared at him.😡😡😡
I was going on my way and suddenly he ( the cold guy) started to shout at his assistant. I heard and stopped, taking steps back and following him.

I pushed on his shoulder with my palm. He turned to me and I started to scold him.
“ Who do you think you are? Even if you are the boss and he is your employee you don’t have rights to shout at him like this. If he made any mistakes just ask him to fix it. How can you scold him in public?
If I get hired on after this internship, I’ll definitely not have a boss like you.” After saying this much I started to walk and then I turned my head and said, “ respect your employees.”

Then I left to find my brother and sister in law who were to be engaged.

That was then…..
And today…………😰😰😰😰😰😰
I…….. am…. Gonna be his employee…
I am done. On the first of job I will lose this job😭😭😭

“Welcome to our company. I hope you will work hard.”

I am staring at him. What is he saying. Does it mean he has forgotten. He didn’t recognise me. Hurraayy……
“ Jazzelle, answer your superior.” The manager is speaking.
“aahhh!!! Yes superior. I will definitely work hard.”

Now that he doesn’t know me…. I mean he has forgotten me. I’ll also pretend not to know him!😁😁😁😁😁

So this is my desk. I have always wanted this. Aahhh it feels so good. Let’s start the work. I need to rewrite this report. Let’s do it.

“ Jazzelle, send this working time report to the department head.”
I got lost for a time. But I think I should not think too much.
So I said, “ okay I’ll do it.”
I am going to his office. And here we are.
Knock!! Knock!!
“Come in.”
“Sir, here is the working time report.”
“put it on the desk.”
“Hmmm.. Sir I’ve put it. I’ll go now.”
“Wait.” The superior is calling me.
“ Yes, sir? Do you need something?”
The superior made no facial expression.
“ Your resignation letter.”

😲😲😲😲 “ what!!! I.. !!!!? I don’t get you.”
“I’ll definitely not have an employee like you. So I think you are gonna resign now.”
😲😲😲 “Do you still remember me? Can we just let bygones be bygones and can pretend not to know each other?”

“We actually don’t know each other so no need to pretend.”

“ Ummmm 😤😤 okay. But I am not going to resign. See, this job is important to me. And I’ve got this job because I am worth it. I’ve gone through the interview procedure.”

“ Whatever. But listen, stay away from me. Don’t ever bump into me. Go now!”

What does he think of himself? I don’t have any interest in him. Does he think I am going after him? “
My foot.
So guys We will meet again soon. I hope I won’t meet again this three piece suite dracula.
We will surely meet again because he is my superior but I will focus on work and try to avoid him.😑😑😑


50 thoughts on “A Love Blossom Campfire Tale -Chapter 1

    1. Zahra Godhrawala says:

      Thank you so much jasmine rose for appreciating me. I’m glad you are enjoying my story😇♥️🌸🧚🤠🔥

  1. Ena says:

    Thank you for choosing to follow my blog! I truly appreciate your support! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Benjamin says:

      She did an excellent job. I am impressed with he command of ideas and expression!🤠🔥

  2. Zahra Godhrawala says:

    Thank you very much brother Ben for posting this, for encouraging me, for helping me. I am actually flattering myself that I am telling a story to the storyteller 😁😁😁
    Have a pleasant day 😇♥️🌸🧚‍♀️

  3. cheriewhite says:

    Your protege is a talented writer, Ben! And I can tell Jazzelle had to adapt to a lot of change to go from pampered princess to a student away from home. But I’m proud of her. 🙂

        1. Zahra Godhrawala says:

          You are right. I am very lucky to have him (brother Ben) as my mentor.😇♥️🌸🧚🤠🔥

  4. KK says:

    Interesting beginning. Eagerly waiting for chapter 2.

  5. Beverly says:

    Zahra, I enjoyed reading Chapter 1 very much. As everyone says, you have a lot of talent and it will “blossom” as well as you continue to write. I look forward to Chapter 2!

    You are blessed to have a great mentor, my nephew, helping you embark on this exciting endeavor. He has tremendous talent in writing and in helping people to open up, to reach their potential through example, encouragement and support. I am so excited for both of you….have fun! 😀👏👏💻

    1. Zahra Godhrawala says:

      That’s true. He is really nice person. He is busy but still helping me with my story. I really appreciate this.
      I am very lucky 😇♥️🌸🧚🤠🔥

      1. Beverly says:

        Yes on both! 😀😇❤️😎

      1. Beverly says:

        You are most welcome, nephew!

  6. Sukanya says:

    WOW 😍😍😍😍😍I love this story ❤️❤️❤️. Expecting more from you like this 😍😍😍😍

    1. Loveblossom says:

      Thank you Sukanya. I’ll try my best to live up on your expectations😇♥️🌸🧚

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks! Sorry for the late reply. That pesky spam blokker is trying to justify existing. 🤠🔥

  7. Petra says:

    Wow, great story, keep going Zahra! Btw, did anyone else’s emojis look super huge in the text? It was messing with my reading, maybe it’s a WordPress app thing?

    1. Petra says:

      Also, Zahra, do you have a blog of your own? Nothing shows up if I click on your name.

    2. Loveblossom says:

      I don’t have any idea about this. I am sorry for the trouble🙇‍♀️

  8. Angie says:

    I am looking forward to chapter 2! I love how they were introduced and the awkwardness of it all 😀

    1. Loveblossom says:

      I see. I think I should put some more scenes like this in next chapters . 😁😁

      I am glad you enjoyed my story. Thank you for appreciating me😇♥️🌸🧚🤠🔥

  9. akshita bansal says:

    It is an amazing read.
    As you might have read, I read the 2nd part first, but my good, I couldn’t have waited for the next part after reading this piece.
    So well penned.👌

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