A Little About Me

Hello my fellow Campfire peeps! This is Jen from Today’s Blog. I had hoped to write this on my laptop but it won’t let me so here we are on my phone. I am behind in my writing obligations so I am trying to catch up.

I’m still unsure as to what to write for all of you. I see many guest posts that just seem to flow. I had great hopes and ideas when I volunteered to guest post. Now that the time has come they have all deserted me.

I sit and look around the room looking at all the memories. I could write about any of them. So maybe I will start there.

I have lived a very unconventional life. It suits me well. People walk into our home and there are plants all over, Halloween decorations up year round, books and movies filling shelves (with a few discrete piles on the floor here and there) and animals. We currently have a turtle (Barbosa), a snake (Calypso), mice, a fish (Blue Maui) and a dog (Stella). (I had to rewrite that last bit. I am used to saying dogs. I lost Moose last January and then I lost his sister Essie this January.)

I have an eclectic collection of plants as well. I am growing an orange tree from pips that I saved from an orange I ate. I also am growing chamomile from seeds that I got from a friend in Great Britain. I have a large agave plant from Texas in an equally large pot (I live in northern Michigan so I tend to put things in pots that I want to keep year round). I am also very excited about the mini garden I started a few weeks ago that has taken off. I have cucumbers, lettuce, two kinds of green onion and habanero plants. My green pepper plant that was all but dead not only revived but I have a good sized green pepper growing!❤️

I see by the clock that I have been at this a bit and should probably wrap it up. I am very excited to meet all of you so please feel free to comment! Cheers!

Author: 1972italy

28 thoughts on “A Little About Me

  1. elvira797mx says:

    Jen thank’s for share. I love plants too. I put mineral water with coffee and put o boil citrus peel, mix all, and spray it’s leaves and on the ground too.
    Have a wonderful time!

    1. 1972italy says:

      Ooo! Thank you so much for the spray recipe! I am glad you enjoyed my piece❤️🌱

        1. 1972italy says:

          Oh how awesome! I am hoping to do something similar but I need to have a more stable environment for the cold months. I am hoping for a greenhouse this year❤️

          1. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

            We have two greenhouses that my husband made from old windows and reclaimed wood. You may have success with cold frame too. I made one with one of our raised beds with old windows.

          2. 1972italy says:

            Good idea! We are looking at several different options so I will add your suggestion to the list.

          1. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

            We lugged a lot of dirt off the mountain. Built the frames from claimed wood. I really enjoyed using Carla Emery book Encylocedia for Country living. Keep records of everything you do.

          2. 1972italy says:

            I will have to look for that encyclopedia. Thank you! And I will do my best to keep records. Do you have any format you use? Or just like a diary type format?

          3. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

            I make a spread sheet in excel write what we planted, where, and how we yielded. Amazon has it on kindle. I am sure your library could order it.

    1. 1972italy says:

      Oh me too! I have “too” much of both and couldn’t be happier!😊

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