Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.
A lot of news on my google feed is garbage and leaves me scratching my head.
In this example,

I can answer without reading the article. It is a different type of COVID in South Africa.
Or this. Who cares?

And this…. How… Is this news?

Really Newsweek?

I like to be current on the news, but I have to climb into a dumpster to find a morsel of currentness.

Perhaps if the big names make this kind of thing, I will join them.
My turn.
This just in!!!! Thirteen Year Vet Refuses To Laugh while drinking orange juice.

It is more newsworthy than what I have been getting and someone may care about local celebrities and their game night habits.

I have been in troll territory for a while. I wonder if the Campfire can get on the Google News feed.
Any suggestions?
Wow! If this shit above is newsworthy, then you should have no problem getting in, Ben. 😂🤣😜
Ha ha! Exactly! You should compare your work to “Psychology” sites that post every day.
Thank you so much Ben! I just might do that! 😁
You write more original and are more informative than these guys. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
Wow! You don’t know how much this means, Ben! Thank you! 🙂💖
Think about it, your blog is 1000x better newsworthy then the drivel from Newsweek and all the other MSM outlets!
Thank you!
That’s good trolling on your part !
Take care !
Ha ha! Thanks!
Good post, Benjamin. The news feed these days is a train wreck of drivel. I disabled the one on my browser page. Honestly, why do we care about this S—? Allan
I am glad we feel the same way. It is a complete waste. Thanks for stopping by Allan, I hope your Thanksgiving was incredible!
Reading these articles blow my mind away..yucky.
Crazy huh? Fortunately, I can read gems like
http:/100countrytrek.WordPress.com instead 🤠🔥
I’ve stopped listening to the news currently. There’s a lot of negativity and I’m tired of seeing all the made up news on our feeds.
Hey, me as well. I never know what the truth is. Where are you writing from, friend?
From South Africa
Way cool! Is everything upside down there? 🤠🔥
I’m impressed by the 13 year veteran of life! The news is junk but I don’t know how you can get in the feed. You’re likely not leftist enough.
I think you are right. I am not sure if journalism was ever alive, but it appears to be dead, or undead if it was not alive in the first place. Then we have to consider; if it was never alive, it cannot be dead….
The “news” doesn’t cater to the left or the right..it caters to brainless idiots. It’s either depressing or stupid fluff.
You should read the german newspapers….. what should i say… unbelievable bullshit…. every day..
That rhymes! Hey, I get it. There is no news to know what is going on. It is a waste of time.
Exactly 😆😁
I couldn’t agree more! 👌🏻❤ Luckily, we have blogs like yours.
And yours!
The popular media is wasting air time, if I am the boss I will sack them all. I go pray to the BOSS upstairs to see if He likes my proposal.
Ha ha! My new feed is ridiculous. I am glad I do not watch TV or my brain would be mush.
I barely watch TV which helps with some headspace. =)
I agree it is valuable not to be on the TV!
HAHA! I just stay away from the news. 🙂
I am learning to. My newsfeed has no value whatsoever.
OMG hysterical! 🤣
Thanks. Sad but true.
i know right! 🤷♀️