To Capture Your Interest

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here.

March 17th, 2022 marked the beginning of the video log world for me. I am a bit rough, but I have lost my fear.

I hate fear.

I can now talk in front of a camera with a cold sore and post it online. (This doesn’t make it a good idea)

Now, I need content over ramble. I also need a better microphone eventually.

One young lady that visits the livestream wrote about being distracted from her blogging goals.

She had been distracted from blogging by a live streamer!

Well, that didn’t work. March 27, 2022

The goal was/is to post everyday but I messed up, again. I was distracted, playing a computer game while listening to a live streamer. Oh no!!! Five minutes wasn’t much but I gave it my best shot. I moved fast but apparently not fast enough. Hitting publish at 11:59 […]

Well, that didn’t work. March 27, 2022

My interest captured, and for the Love of Books, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was not me she was referring to. Whew!

Her choice of live streamers is almost as good as her pulse on the book industry. She follows tha the same streamers I do, and I must say, I have good taste.

If you get the chance, check out For The Love Of Books. She has a nifty site.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

15 thoughts on “To Capture Your Interest

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I am growing as I go!
      I apologize for the late reply.
      Despite having 48 Approved Comments From You,
      You were Spammed!


      Brother’s Campfire

  1. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    I have found your Youtube videos fun to watch. When other Youtube Channel was up, I used a Go Pro I got great sound and video, just a thought.

  2. Cassa Bassa says:

    I was working so I missed the live stream. I am glad that you grew confidence in the Live stream. Live stream with a cold sore is the authentic realness. Go brother Benjamin!

      1. Purple Rose says:

        It gives me chills every time. I love that song, but seeing the hospital workers up on the roof and the people in the parking lot crying out to God… wow. 😭🙌🏻

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