My Beloved is stable, but in an awful condition. For those of you who did not see my last post, she had a massive stroke.

I will have a few more details, but first a thank you.
In general, I would like to thank Heritage Pentecostal and all the connected churches for the prayers, conversations, and resources.
I would also like to thank the Mennonite Community, Jewish and Messianic believers, and other groups that have offered and given support.

I am in the thick of it and cannot remember correctly who all has done what and unintentionally, will forget to mention every individual that is helped us through. You have our deepest gratitude.

To those at the Campfire, Thank you for the prayers and kind words. It was nice to see them pop up on my phone during this tough time and I can feel the peace of God with me. Also, thanks for the emailed prayers.

This is where we are at the moment:
Isabel, my Beloved is currently in an Intensive Care Unit and is in excellent hands. She has been taken off of the ventilator and can speak.
She is very limited in mobility.
It took a friend’s counsel to see it, but while compassion has value, checking of life saving boxes has more merit.
I will say, if you have a loved one in any kind of care outside of your own, you NEED to be there to provide ALL types of support. It seems to go without saying, but I have walked by a good number of visitorless ICU beds. Where are there communities? Where are the families? Perhaps they are non existing.
COVID rules don’t help this at all.
The hospital she is at strictly enforces 1 visitor for 24 hours from 8AM to 8 PM.
The visitor has to be 16 or older, and juggling this with my two children is a nightmare.
Fortunately, there is technology, but virtual visits are awful for anyone; change my mind. (Don’t try that now)
I will likely blog through this in an upbeat tone, but lets not get it twisted; I am at war for my family and will steamroll anything that gets in the way of their health and safety.
I know each and every one of you supports this mentality and am thankful.

Benjamin, Brothers Campfire.
Best wishes for you and her and prompt recovery for her!
Thank you.
You are welcome
So nice post

Get well soon and Grace Wishes 
Thank you and likewise!
Your wife so lovely and she has willpower
♥️All The Best for her life success 

Thank you! I believe she has the willpower as well!
Welcome and grace wishes to you dear and your loving Family
To you as well.
VEry Beautiful. May God Bless you with good health
Thank you and likewise
“taken off the ventilator and can speak” — 2 miracles already (and counting..)
Absolutely agree with you about being there with her is necessary even though it is hard to juggle. Our youngest child spends a lot of time at the pediatric hospital and my heart breaks for the kids there with no one by their bedside. So glad you have community and can be with her and advocate for her and support her.
We are continuing to pray for her, and you and your kids.
Thank you Willow Creek
Isabell’s being taken off the ventilator and getting her speech back is such a blessing and a good sign, Ben. You, she, and the entire family are in my continued prayers.

You are amazing. Thanks again
You’re welcome, Ben. Keep us posted.
Praying for her speedy recovery

Thank you Indishe.
Things will get better soon. You have my best wishes.
Thank you Ogara Derrick
Hoping for continued improvement Benjamin. Allan

Thank you Allan
Isabell is lucky to have a steamroller as advocate!
Thank you for blogging the update brother. Isabell and you and your children are in my prayer. God hears us and He is merciful and compassionate.
Thank you Friend.
I have so much hope that this remarkable improvement continues. Hang in there during these tough times. John
Thanks John.
I’ll continue to pray for you all. May God bless.
You as well!
Happy to hear she is heading in the right direction. Thoughts and prayers, buddy
Thank you!
Such relief at reading this update. I only hope progress continues.

Love and positivity to you all my friend
Thank you.
Oh wow. Prayers for you both.
Thank you.
I take ot hospital visits aren’t possible for your son ? I would hope you consider virtual visits for his sake. I will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts, Benjamin. Being that you wife is able to speak and also breathe on her own is definitely a sign of hope.
I consider virtual visits Matt. Thank you for your care and concern!
Aw, Benjamin. So sorry to hear about Isabel. Praying for a speedy and complete recovery.
Thank you.
I am so sorry. Wishing for a fast recovery. In my prayers
stay strong.
Thank you
Still praying.
Thank you
Sending prayers…
Thank you!
Thank you.
I’m praying for Isabel.
Thank you. We are not out of the woods.
so sorry to hear about your beloved in ICU. Glad to hear he is making progress.
Me too. Thank you.
Praying all goes well with recovery!
I missed your last post, brother. I’m so sorry this happened to your wife. Our family is in prayer for her. May the Lord pour out blessing and healing on her. Praying for you and your kids too. The Lord is with you. God bless you all!
Thank you.
Blessings to you both, Benjamin.
Thank you Lisa
My prayers are with you. Also COVID hospital rules are brutal.
Thank you and likewise. We put a prayer request in for you and yours at church recently.
Thank you.
It’s so sad how Covid has kept us away from our loved ones when they most need us. Years ago, when my husband was in intensive care, I couldn’t stay there with him, but was allowed to see him every few hours for a few minutes.
I hope your beloved gets well soon….and I will be keeping you both, and your family, in my thoughts.
Thank you. Today, they were able to use the Duo app to see her. Love assists greatly in the healing process.
I agree.
I’m so in shock after your outpouring of your love for her Benjamin. Sending you strength and courage to see things through with prayer and love for you and your kids too. Seeing her in perfect health!

Thank you Cindy!
yes, for sure my friend

Glad to hear that your wife is stable! I wish her a quick and full recovery!
Thank you! I see a long road to recovery, but I know Dominic will encourage me along the way!
I’m sorry to hear that, Benjamin… I hope your wife will get better very, very soon!
Thank you.
So, so glad to hear that she is stable. Continuing to pray for all of you.
Thank you
Have faith that she will get better. God listens and heals.
Thank you
I am so sorry to read about your beloved and wish her a steady recovery. Sending healing thoughts to you.
Thank you Kerry. I appreciate you.
Continuing to pray for your beloved, you, and your family.
Thanks. We need it.
So grateful for your wife’s recovery. Much love to her
Thank you! She has a long road ahead
Thank you friend
Father, I bring Benjamin’s beloved, to the foot of your heart. I pray for your covering, for her, and the family. You said, you are in the midst, and will never leave or forsake. I pray for healing, strength, peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Wonderful to hear, she’s doing better. Be encouraged, my brother, I’ve been there. My beloved, had a blood vessel, burst in the back of her head in January, and also didn’t make it to the hospital; but God. She spent three weeks in the hospital, and I was only able to visit, 1 day a week!
Thank you for the prayers!
I am sorry that happened, Warren Richards. Is she ok?
Still hanging in there with you Benjamin… prayers also continuing for you, and the little ones… God’s will be done…

You are amazing, Friend!