Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Matt Snyder is a regular to the Campfire and does a side gig on Anchor where he reads stories. I am a great fan of his voice and it is really neat to see my words come alive on his podcast.
I had no idea someone would read my work and I am flattered and humbled.
You can listen here if you would like to.
https://anchor.fm/matt-david-snyder/episodes/Brothers-Campfire-Presents-Northwich-An-Ongoing-Tale-Chapter-3–A-beast-lurks-e10vqs8 Welcome to another episode of Short Story Saturday not only do we have another chapter in the epic adventure Northwich by the great Benjamin Thiel copyright 2019 but we have the first in a semi regular feature I’m calling Weird Facts & Twisted Tails from the desk of the Mouse by Michael Murdoch copyright 2021.
Short Story Saturday: Brother’s Campfire Presents: Northwich an ongoing tale, Chapter 3- The Beast Lurks
you liked my comment on summer bounty visit my blog if you are interested in novels and follow the blog
Sounds great, thanks! How are you today?
i am fine sounds like you are interested in novels too enjoy reading the novels
I wrote one online. Have you read it?
no not explored your blog
You are sure welcome to!
David ? Ben, no one ever addresses me as my middle name 😁
My mistake. It may take a second to update the correction.
Matt-David-Snider threw me off for a second.
All good bro but now my last name is wrong 🤭
Ten Times On The Chalkboard
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
just in your comment not up above
Additional Practice
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Matt David Snyder
Thank you! Did you get a chance to listen to it?
Yes I did. He narrated it very well, he also said there will be another episode next week. Apparently you will be a regular contributor.
Yay! Way excellent! Thank you for listening to the Ongoing Tale!
It’s a monthly feature, Ben’s story is like 256 chapters long..it and a two others are serialized.
Okay, great. Thank you.
An interesting tale…I find myself with more questions with each episode as to what is going on. Am enjoying…wish the episodes were longer, though.
Theank you!
I was practicing the writing/ storytelling a couple years ago and learning as I went, much like I am now. I did not expect to have readers or have material on a podcast. The chapters are short.
Sometimes, things don’t play out as one expects, which in this case I think is a good thing. 😊
Ha ha! Thanks!
I’m loving where it’s been heading
Thank you Friend.
What ago Matt. I will have to find one and two parts and then read this one. ❤️