Foofy coffee with chocolate and frothed milk is generally not my style, but I discovered that I can taste a hint of chocolate when I drink it. In these trying times, tasting is a luxury.

Today, we were well enough to engage in boisterous verbal engagement in a game of Settlers of Catan.

Due to being locked down, we had ample opportunity to work out the finer points of the game and extracurricular activities such as village design.

Today, my Beloved took to preparing tortillas as well, something I cannot wait to taste down the road.

She made bean and rice burritos with lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese, and onions. The onions were good and I enjoyed the texture.

Man, I really will appreciate when I can taste again. This was one big burrito!
While I still am logging everything I eat in the Lose It application, I am directly focused on improving my health. If I have an urge to eat something, I eat it because my body may need it.

So far, these focuses have not been contradictory and I am losing weight.

Likely, these were momentary lapses in good self discipline, but hey, I am still under budget.
Well, have a beautiful day or night wherever you may be!
Looks delicious, both the drink and burritos! I’m glad you can taste the chocolate when you drink it! I have been praying that your sense of taste comes back, so that is an encouraging sign that prayers are being answered! God is good! That looks like a fun game. Never played that before. We bought our kids the Oregon Trail board game for Christmas & we all enjoy playing that. Praying you are all healed very soon! God bless you all!
Thank you for your prayers, Ryan! I recommend this and Throw Throw Burrito!
Oregon Trail seems nifty as well!
She makes homemade tortillas‽‽‽
3 of us here at Willow Manor make tortillas.
I want in on this homemade tortilla deal. I haven’t made tortillas in a while or had them in a while. So please invite me over soon. Good interesting awesome fun times bro thanks for sharing.
Gia says, “interesting and funny, Uncle Ben.”
Upon completion of quarantine, we will happily put you to work making tortillas.
Gia is amazing and sweet by the way!
The coffee looks SO good and this coming from a person who doesn’t even like coffee mmmm chocolate
It was absolutely delicious!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you have a YouTube channel, right??
I do. Many things are unlisted. Right now, all that is public is me talking to an owl. Everything else requires a link from my site. I may make a few more things public down the road.
That’s super cool!
That my videos are unlisted? Lol. Do you have a You Tube?
Not just the unlisted bit, but the speaking with owls bit.
Yeah, I just launched it yesterday XD
Way cool. Did you write a post showcasing your newer venue?
I did!!
Glad, your sense of taste is returning. The smell and taste of good food is part of the pleasures one enjoys. Hope all returns to nromal soon. Allan
Thank you Allen. Eating is a great pleasure of mine!
Cute cup of coffee
Ha ha! Thanks!
Now that’s what I call a burrito.
It was indeed!
Hope you can taste it soon! Until then, you could always put chocolate in it. This would be the perfect time to try out bizarre food pairings.
Absolutely. I had a sushi bowl and did not think to add chocolate.
What do you have to lose?
Nothing. I am constructing a peanut butter and mustard sandwich as we speak,.
A true work of art. The very idea brings a year to my eye.
Wasabi and fruit loops toorrow.
Home mad tortillas are the best. My sister makes them Keep looking to the burrito and you will taste soon enough
Laugh On
I hope so. Most of us here at the Campfire make them. Stop by after the quarantine and I will cook you a stack.
I am On my way!
Way cool!
Man Catan is great. Get well soon brother!
We have been enjoying it!
And thank you!
We play a weekly game of Catan’s Cities and Knights (when we’re not in lockdown) with another couple. Toss in a few bottles of wine and snacks, and it’s a perfect evening!
Catan is enjoyable!
Get well soon!
Thank you!
So cool! The game I mean. I’ve bought that for my nephews and they love it.
We enjoy it. I may get an expansion down the road.
I bought my nephews two expansions. 🙂 They are good kids.
I bet they are! We get a little competitive when we play!