Ha ha! I may have liked it there, like Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Hot sauce seems to keep me healthy, bit I am not giving medical advice!
I wonder... Did she get sick a lot? 🤠🔥
Yes, well-spoken. It opens the taste of the food. 🤠🔥
Ha ha! Gotta live my passion! Hey, I would like to ask.... What would you think about doing a guest post here at the Campfire?
It is flavorful. I may do it if he dares me to.
Aww. 🤠🔥Yes she is a strong woman!
Today, I am Uber Taxi Lyft
Thank you . Without you and the Blogosphere around, I would be a lonely meatball. 🤠🔥
Ha ha! I fell on a cactus while Winter camping once. That was a Colorado experience!