That is nifty!
You can watch whenever you like! She is working so hard to get better!
Way nifty! After they are completed, I am making the live streams available here! 🤠🔥☕
Thanks! I have a lot going on and I am trying to lose weight. When I burn fat, I cannnot function as effective as when I eat normal. 🤠🔥☕
Thank you Geoff!
Thank you! She is quite special to me! Thank you for your prayers friend! 🤠🔥
That is very respectable! I do not meet many who have read the Bible cover to cover! My respect for you has skyrocketed! 🤠🔥🍩🍪🎂🍰🧁🥧🍫🍬🍭🍮🍯
Ooh! Lake Tahoe sounds like a beautiful place! I have driven by once! 🤠🔥
Thank you! I will keep you posted Stella!