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  • Popping Pills and Priority Thrills

    I’m on the same page as you big brother. First I’ll be praying for healing and strength for you after all those trips and falls-those do hurt!! Second, you are absolutely right -it’s no one’s Business what you do and don’t do but yours. You know what is best for you and your family and your doing a mighty great job. Seeing a husband that loves his wife and loves his children -does and will do anything to make sure they are taken care of. Everything you do you always do it with love. It’s Annoying when other people put...
  • An Update On My Beloved (1/12/2022)

    To start off with first, lovely photos of my friend Izzy, looks so peaceful and relaxing . I am so proud of my buddy ( Isabel) for taking that step and trying to use her walker! As I have said many times and will continue to say so, she is a fighter, strong and courageous beautiful in and out. Those are some very cool hand made bowls you all picked , very neat!! Happy to see you all got the chance to have breakfast out side! What a relaxing way to enjoy breakfast as the birds come in finally!! Yayy!...
  • Brothers Campfire Thoughts On The Entertainment Industry

    Good stuff big brother! thinking about how electronics, television ( pretty much anything that has a screen) has some good effects and some bad…it’s really how we use them and what we use them for. Growing up watching television all the time when we did have a tv…that’s all I did. I watched t.v when I was bored, wanted something to do since I had no one to hang out really, my nose was always stuck in the t.v screen; mainly at nights. Thinking about, hours would pass on by where I would loose track of time…it was movie after...