Playing Pretend At The Hospital With Spotify

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Today, I assisted my Beloved up and down a whole flight of stairs. My role is to stand behind her with my hand on a gait belt going up and stand in front as she goes down.

That is a lot of progress from December second of last year.

We are doing what our new normal is at the moment. Simply, therapy by day, wheelchair adventures by night.

Visiting hours are from 8 AM to 8 PM, so there are windows of opportunity, and inopportune endeavors, in between occupational therapy.

Between 6 and 8 pm, We travel the halls adventuring while blaring tunes from Spotify. We have pretended to

play Mario Kart,

We swaggered around as pirates,

Delivered Gifts,

Lived the hospital life with Alex from Russia

Welcome to CRAZY CLINIC. I am Alex Markovich, the author of this blog, which I start on January 1st, 2022. I am 43 years old (born in 1978), I live in Russia. For over fifteen years, I have been creating various online and offline projects, which mainly focus on poetry, painting, photography and design.   […]


And we played our favorite pretend… Mission Impossible

This is the best. We start by playing this:

Then, we roll around breaking all the rules we can without really doing anything wrong. Here are some examples:

Pretending to Use The Staff Elevator

Simulation Of Departing From Authorized Areas

Escape Planning

Keeping the morale high is important. I never thought I would play pretend in the hospital with my Beloved.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

51 thoughts on “Playing Pretend At The Hospital With Spotify

  1. lindacrampton7495 says:

    Excellent ways to keep morale high! I think you’ve both found great ways to deal with the situation. Having fun can be great therapy, as salsaworldtraveler said.

  2. jonicaggiano says:

    I said a prayer for your wife and for you. It is a blessing to have a supportive person and I am so glad you are there for her. I pray she will be walking again very soon on her own. Hugs and love, Joni ❤️🤗🦋

      1. jonicaggiano says:

        You are so welcome. I am sorry this happened to the both of you. Your love and encouragement is the best medicine besides prayers and God’s wonderful grace. Blessings to all your family and I will keep her in my prayers. ❤️🙏

  3. Ryan Callahan says:

    Glad to see you having fun together. Prayers and blessings to you both and your kids.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! We are doing are best to keep things upbeat! 🤠🔥

  4. Omatra7 says:

    Oh my goodness 😮 prayers for you and your family – how scary!!

    My mom also has strokes but small ones – is normal for Alzheimer’s but still scary.

    Do they know what caused it? Is she ok?? 😮 🙏🙏🙏

    She looks good and you both have smiles ❤️ I pray for her 🙏

    You have good strong attitudes so that is good!!

    Wish you and your family a better 2022!!! I have to come and read more!!!

    If you need anything – just say so.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello, thanks for your prayers!

      They do not know what caused the stroke. She cannot use her left side.

      Thank you for your care and concerns! 🤠🔥

      1. Omatra7 says:

        😮😮 how scary for her!! Life is sooo precious!!

        Definitely thoughts and prayer for you and your family 🙏🙏🙏 especially for your wife 🙏🙏🙏 I hope she recovers fast and soon – she very lucky to have you by her side lifting her spirits and giving her love ❤️

        1. Benjamin says:

          We need all the prayer we can get. Thank you frienf! 🤠🔥

  5. Seoul Sister says:

    So sorry to hear this, I’m praying for your beloved wife’s full recovery. You’re a beautiful couple. God bless you both🙏❤️!

  6. kagould17 says:

    So great you were able to have some fun time and adventure with your beloved Benjamin. Stay well. Allan

  7. Jeff says:

    It gives me joy to see you two cavorting like that!

  8. Eugi says:

    Sending prayers to both your wife and you. It’s good to see your positive attitudes. ❤️

  9. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So nice to read that your wife came back home and you two too happy 😊
    Slowly slowly she will be get her normal life 🌷👌Families unconditional love
    and sacrifice the Best cure for her 🙏🌷♥️ Now she is so safe and happy with
    her husband and children, cute baby girl 🥰👍🏻🌷God Bless 👏✨

      1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

        Yes, not easy 🙏♥️take care so much and
        may God’s blessings of love ,peace and Joy
        Fill your life 🙏💕🌷Best wishes you two 👏

          1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

            Here climate so bad, everyday raining, .Flood land slides, falling trees and over 13000 people
            rescued safe places .All helping 🌷👌🙏 My house is in valley area and here drinage
            System is best !! Across Malaysia facing rainy season !! There winter season 🌫️
            here ⛈️ rain !! Take care and grace wishes 🙂

          2. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

            Yes, this link is showing Malaysia’s situation , true 🌷🙏
            All the rivers danger level reached !! Today rain little bit
            stopped , climate change actually ruined Malaysian
            People’s lives 😒I also sent so much bedsheets and
            bedspreads some clothes all new one 👍🏻😊All people
            helping , this is worst flood so many years after 💧
            Thank you so much for sharing 🌷🙏♥️🌷

          3. Benjamin says:

            Wow, what a rough situation. I am glad you are helping others over there.

          4. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

            Yes, so sad , my son’s place , Klang worst flood and there 26 people died 😢
            My son’s housing area safe 🙏🌷people’s home things all gone, furniture
            all spoiled, cars inside all flood water , last week so terrible , food also
            never reached, all stayed in Temples, mosques and schools ,so what
            we can help , sent 😊👏Thank you 🌷🙏🌷I’m so happy that you
            concerning Malaysia 🙏♥️ God Bless 👏

          5. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

            After New Year I alone home now !! Road some closed ..
            So they are own home only. Here safe . Neighbours nice 🌝🙏

          6. Benjamin says:

            Is there a food shortage in Malaysia due to all the destruction? 🤠🔥

          7. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

            No, lots of food is here, because flood cannot reach that side !!
            Punjabi Temple there food cooking still , Indians,
            Chinese , Malays helping to make food and like so
            Many people giving food for victims 🙏🌝❤️

          8. Benjamin says:

            Way cool. It is great when communities help each other! 🤠🔥

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