Brothers Campfire Moab, Face Masks, and Cheap Sunglasses

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

This picture is of me in Moab, Utah two years ago.

I was experimenting with homemade gators manufacturered with nylon, polyester, and spandex. I wet the fabric to stay cool.

Other than the weird looks I received, it worked pretty well.

A funny thing, several months later, everyone was wearing this or something like it for 2020. Perhaps I sported them before they were cool. I think I sported Covid before it was a thing as well. .

Shades by Dollar Tree

Despite my nifty face mask, and my Beloved’s face mask tutorial, I was documented having Covid twice, once in between vaccination shots. If you read my link above, I was serious in how sick I felt.

Not wishing to contract Covid again, and being in the people business, I chose to to go the vaccine route, but I don’t judge if you take a wait and see approach.

If I get odd symptoms like writing steampunk westerns complete with prairie goblins, I will let you know.

I will say, this frustrated me about the vaccine, but I know the science minds are doing their best.

The 5 most common COVID-19 symptoms based on your vaccination status, in one chart

Despite having a vaccine, I am still susceptible to the symptoms of headache, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and loss of smell. Supposedly, the symptoms will be less extreme.

The chart is kind of a downer but may be worth looking at. (Insider is not keen on letting you use their digital property or I would post a screenshot.)

Ahh, but to change the subject would brilliantly thrill. Back to the great outdoors shall we?

I was perusing my newsfeed when I found this gem.

Exposure to nature might help to reduce a psychological characteristic underlying authoritarianism

I have no words for this article, so you can interpret my thoughts on the with a stock photo. People are people and the great outdoors is amazing.

At the moment, I don’t know why I even read this stuff. It just fuels frustration.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

31 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Moab, Face Masks, and Cheap Sunglasses

  1. herbthiel says:

    Your symptoms could also be the result of the heavy smoke we are receiving from the California wildfires.

    1. Petra says:

      Hopefully that won’t cause long term damage… Get your lungs checked out after I’d say, I saw what’s happening on the news and it looks really bad

  2. dumbestblogger says:

    That was a very helpful chart. Now I know that if I am unvaccinated my headache and sore throat will be symbolically represented by the color red, but if I am vaccinated they will be symbolically represented by the color green. I’m glad I’m not color blind!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Colorblindness could be a new symptom for the new varieties of Covid.

  3. leendadll says:

    fyi: your first link includes a link to dollar tree that doesn’t look intentional.

    I like your gator set!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you and thank you! Is it smoky in your neck of the woods?

      1. leendadll says:

        Weird you should ask. This evening looked smoky for the first time this season. I couldn’t find any local fires so it might have been something else but it had the deep orange sun. Maybe smoke from the NorCal fires, several hundred miles away, finally blew down here.

          1. leendadll says:

            Aren’t there a also a bunch of fires along the central US/Canadian border?

          2. leendadll says:

            All seem well. Toonces came home this morn and left again a short while ago. Ash and her kittens are well. The 2 newbie kittens are killing me with teh kewt!!

          3. leendadll says:

            I bought KN95 masks when they were on sale between breakouts, figuring I’ll need them come October.

  4. Terveen Gill says:

    You look pretty cool on those pictures. And Covid is a mystery with little history. It’s good that you got vaccinated. It does decrease the severity. Stay safe and keep venturing on. 🙂

  5. Cindy Georgakas says:

    thankfully you are looking good and feeling well it sounds like Ben. Omg couldn’t look at that needle pic. I did love your other vivid pics. I’m just hanging waiting and knowing nothing while I take precautions and take a wait and see approach.💖

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