Just A Recap of the Week

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire Here!

This week was productive but was a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

Unfortunately, I cannot talk about it due to rules.

Boo those rules.

There would be a lot fewer shenanigans in prison if we could talk about or record all the stupid.

There are whistleblower laws, and when things get bad, I make a stand.

Sometimes, I think I have paid here and there, but I like myself at the end of the day.

The week is over, and it is onto the weekend.

I am sitting here while my Beloved does her stretches and listens to music.

Her workout music is comforting to her.

It sounds like funeral music to me. I will have to find them for you.

No… Here they are….

I am not a fan. Her playlist makes me sad.

I will get over it. If it helps her get in the mood to get better , I am down and delighted.

In other news,

I would like to thank you all for the love, support,and encouraging words when I made a few videos of myself. You are all so supportive!

You all are saying I could go viral. I appreciate that and it gives me that boost of confidence some perceive me to have.

However, I like my slow-growing circle of blogging friends and like the closeness I feel in it. I will mostly make videos of myself available here.

But. ..In the ever-increasing war for front page supremacy on the Google, I will leave a few of them public.

The live stream podcast style is real, genuine.

I don’t want that going viral to the world. It is a good way to get hurt.

I don’t want pain or drama. I am acquainted with those two, and I see them ever increasingly on social platforms.

This little neck of the woods works though.

With that being said, if I make an unlisted live stream, what would you all like me to talk about?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

14 thoughts on “Just A Recap of the Week

  1. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    Glad to hear that your wife is continuing to work on getting stronger. I would like to see videos about your area of Colorado. Maybe some building projects.

  2. Lolalia says:

    Your passions — the things that motivate you to get out of bed each day.
    P.S., I find lo-fi music relaxing to listen to and a great way to clear my mind. Perhaps your wife does too. I call it “Stop and smell the roses” music. 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Thanks for the amazing advice!
      I have to listen to keep on keeping on music! 🤠🔥

  3. cheriewhite says:

    I’m so glad Isabel is continuing to get better and better! She’s come such a long way in three months, Ben! 🎉🏆I’m with the last commenter – pursue your passion because it will more than likely take you places you never thought possible! 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, Cherie! She is going leaps and bounds! Yesterday she walked a mile without stopping!

      Thank you for your encouragement!

      1. cheriewhite says:

        And that’s a heck of an accomplishment! Before you know it, she’ll be walking two miles without stopping at the rate she’s going. 😊💖

  4. An Artist Named M says:

    I am with you on those tunes being funeral like, but hey if it relaxes her. That’s what’s best right ?

  5. Cassa Bassa says:

    anything as long as with a sense of humour, that’s for me content wise.

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