Deep Heart World Tour

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

Today at work we hosted Deep Heart World Tour.

The tight-knit family of eight provided motivational speaking, dance choreography, skits, and a magic show geared towards an incarcerated population.

The offenders loved it, and participated whole heartedly .

I have some photos of the event at work and may share them. My work camera is of poor quality, and the lighting was inadequate as well, so we will see.

Here is what I experienced.

My last email communication besides show business was letting them know I had been out of the office due to my wife having a stroke.

That was quite a few months ago.

They remembered, and brought my wife two gifts from Brazil, informing me they had prayed on the spot as soon as they were aware.

I was touched that they remembered and for their kindness towards me.

My job requires me to work with entertainment types all the time and typically they are self-centered and arrogant. Not these folks. They made me feel like I was one of them.

After looking at what they have online, it seems they are not looking for individual recognition so I will leave that alone. I will say it was cool to see their stage persona and the genuine personality of the performers.

Well, that is all I have for now. See you next time!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

17 thoughts on “Deep Heart World Tour

  1. Americaoncoffee says:

    Nice theme. We need more of them.

  2. Priti says:

    Great work! May be you have poor camara but excellent photos.👌👌

        1. Benjamin says:

          All is well. We are close to Winter over here. I will have to post the snow.

          1. Priti says:

            Wow! But here is the rainy season but 🤗 today is hot. Waiting 😃 for your snow photography 😊

          2. Priti says:

            All are well. What about you? Read my stories 😃 if you get time except of taking photographs.🫢🫢

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