Brothers Campfire Culinarians, Leg Braces, Hot Sauce and Where’s Waldo.

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers’s Campfire here!

The days have been packed from sunrise to sunset. I will give you the highlights. It was recently my Beloved’s birthday and we opted to celebrate with all you can eat Chinese cuisine. My daughter and the Twelve-year Veteran of life were in attendance at the get together.

Ever-increasingly a lover of photography, I took some shots of my favorite dishes. I am now left scratching my head as it looks like a Southern American buffet. Who can tell. It was excellent eating and I think I consumed about 40 pieces of shrimp.

As those of you who are are regular readers know, one of my ducks, who we appropriately named ölümün ağzından is still on the mend from a dog attack. After additional internet research and the combined creativity of the Brothers’ Campfire Team, we improved her leg brace.

Her thigh is thoroughly mangled and in need of support.

Additional trimming was made to the foot pad.

Meanwhile, my neighbor had other things going on. He grows peppers indoors that will burn your mouth just by looking at them. He offered a trade of his finest for some duck eggs so we manufactured some hot sauce.

It wasn’t traditional. It contained peppers of unknown variety, three kinds of vinegar, lemon juice, radish pods, arugula pods, spicy oregano, garlic, and onion. A full flavoured sauce is much better than spicy for spicy’s sake to me.

The duck eggs are popular. Recently, I provided them our local French cuisine culinarian, Rebecca Sherrow and they will be featured soon. Here is a sampleof her work.

Photo and Quiche by

Packed days indeed. We were invited to a neighbor’s house and did not wish to show up empty handed so my daughter cooked a little something for the event.

I was greatful for the hospitality of my nieghbor and we ate well and had some of the most amazing conversation ever.

I was thankful for the full belly as it would sustain me in what was to follow; War games and Where’s Waldo.

Yesterday was especially long and after wrapping up, we moved on to visit the great Herb Thiel for ice cream and Fourth of July fireworks.

What will today bring? Who knows? The days run together with excellence!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

36 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Culinarians, Leg Braces, Hot Sauce and Where’s Waldo.

  1. kagould17 says:

    Definitely jam packed Benjamin. Great work on the leg brace. Happy belated to your beloved. Happy 4th of July to all South of the 49th. Cheers. Allan

  2. mattsnyder1970 says:

    Is your wife Spanish or something ? She has an interesting look to her. I mean this in a beautiful way. Just intrigues me.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Her father is African American? From England way back. Her name is Isabel Domeneke. One day, Ancestry. Com will tell us!

  3. Anonymous says:

    It looks like you had a wonderful holiday.

  4. Monika R. Martyn says:

    I love that you are taking care of your duck. She looks so trusting of you and she’s lovely. Thank you for that!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for your support, Monika R. Martyn! She is my duck and while livestock, she means a lot to us! Thank you for stopping by the Campfire!

      1. herbthiel says:

        The Bible says that “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.”

  5. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So beautiful Family and gorgeous photography 👌🌷🙏 nice picnic photos 👍🏻🌹♥️
    Happy Independence Day 💐🎉🎊Cheers ✌🏼🌹

  6. #the novel reader says:

    don’t just like the post read the summary as well as novel also whole series is there and then like and comment

    1. Benjamin says:

      Please do not tell me what to do. I can stop reading your material.

  7. Terveen Gill says:

    Wow! So much going on. Belated Happy Birthday. And you’ve got a duck fighter on your hands. Wish all of you lots of best wishes and good luck! 🙂

  8. Gibberish says:

    Those are some eventful days…more than I’ve had in an entire year😂😂
    Happy 4th of July the fireworks 🎇

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, you are welcome to drop by and engage in a little adventuring!

      1. Gibberish says:

        Well now that I know your days are so eventful, I do intend to drop by for some armchair adventure 😛😄

  9. Petra says:

    I’m a huge hot sauce fan and I agree, it has to taste like something, not just burn.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Flavor is important. Well Spoken! You should visit the Southwestern States and get some flavor!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Michael Stephen Wills! Coming from you, that is quite the compliment!

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