Brothers Campfire Talks To Captain Martha Harold

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire Here!

I was over at the Great It Ain’t Right Till I Write by Terveen Gill when I came across a scammer in her comments.

The scammer follows me as well and the last time I ignored one in our midst, someone lost money.

A while back,

Debby Winters” apparently convinced Mental Health 360 to pay a goodly sum for nothing in return. Mental Health 360 wrote about her experience in the link below.

Sometimes, I wonder if my responses to Debby Winter gave her credibility.

I hope not. Scammers are the scum of the earth.

So, back to Harold Martha 15.

I emailed so you don’t have to. I will say, Captain Martha Harold had a wild tale to tell.

This “Texas Citizen” had quite the story. I feel sorry for her poor husband.

Of course, the story gets better. Captain Martha Harold trusts me enough to let me help her move some cash.

There is a fee involved, and this is where HaroldMarth15 is going to catch the unsuspecting.

Haroldmarth15 is using photos that belong to a soldier in the UK. This has been done before with the same photos many many times. Here is a dating scam link.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. This is a SCAM, and the scammer is putting comments on our friend’s blogs.

Now, if you want a similar interaction, you can email Harold Martha at

[email protected]. Be aware, you will be talking to an experienced criminal that knows how to manipulate people out of their money.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

33 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Talks To Captain Martha Harold

  1. Under the mask.. says:

    Over here, I usually just get SEO-y stuff, but in email, I have indeed heard from Nigerian princes who wish to give me money if I would just give them my numbers for deposit, since it is such a large amount.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Haha! I think we all get those from time to time. They must work some since we get them year after year.

      As for SEO, post your passion and enjoy.🤠🔥☕

  2. YouLittleCharmer says:

    I did wonder what their story was going to be when I duly deleted their comment on one of my posts. Seems I was pretty much bang on – well, apart from the shark perhaps 😉🖤

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I like to entertain them and am in turn entertained! 🤠🔥☕

  3. Rivers Renewed says:

    This person has been all over my site! Fortunately their messages go straight to spam and I delete them. A blogging friend also had the same person with the same message. Scam indeed!! Thanks my friend.

      1. mattsnyder1970 says:

        The problem with emailing a scammer with a viable email is that you run the risk of having your email or phone number on a watch list of every scammer in the book, hoping one day you will be vulnerable. I used to fuck with texts. Especially of these “I am a willing sex partner variety” I would say things like sure let’s get together after you pay me the $5000 you owe me, etcetera. Since then my phone texts have been bombarded by spam texts from emails that I am unable to block because it’s not a phone number, sigh. So on the daily I am deleting texts.

          1. Benjamin says:

            I used to play a character when I did it a while back. It was loads of fun.

      2. Rivers Renewed says:

        Nah, thanks though brother. I don’t want them spamming my email too! Peace and blessings.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I know. You can reach out to the email on the post and have your own adventure!

  4. Terveen Gill says:

    This is crazy! I got rid of those comments and sent that scammer into spam. Reading that story reminds me of a runaway train that’s heading for disaster. Glad you went after it. But it’s better to just send them to spam hell. Take care, Benjamin. 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Spam hell is amazing for Gravatars like that one. Someone is going to be fooled, so I wanted to create awareness.

  5. James Viscosi says:

    I also got spam comments from “Harold Martha”! 😁 Surprisingly, Akismet didn’t send them straight to the trash bin, it sent them to the queue to be reviewed and approved. Funny what slips by it sometimes …

    1. Benjamin says:

      Yes Sir. Harold Martha is reaching out for our pocketbooks!
      Mine went to spam automatically .

      Akismet is wonky for sure.

  6. Herb says:

    Good job on the scammer! They are pretty vile criminals.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you. I failed to call out Debbie Winter a while back and I don’t want to see anyone ripped off.

  7. jerziiiiiiii says:

    Thank the lord i trusted my instincts!!! They literally have been emailing me the past few days, and i knew something was up when they asked me for my passport and home address. I thank you deepy for calling them out, because without this i probably would have fallen through to it. (Don’t judge, im very vulnerable). Im working on changing that. In fact, right after i post this message, im going right to the platform she contacted me on and im calling her out. Thank you x10000. You really saved me here.

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