Brothers Campfire on Market Segmentation

Over the last several years, many folks have come to visit Willow Manor, our home.

The other day, I was contacted on NextDoor by “Angie.”
She had seen some food pictures we had posted online and wanted to come over for dinner.

I had not met her and her family before but gathered enough information from online sleuthing to determine who they might be. With the information available, I determined them to be the owners of

My wife prepared barbecue chicken thighs, roasted chickpeas, sweet potatoes, green beans, and quinoa for the occasion, and John, Angie, and their crew brought rice pilaf and a Russian dessert with the consistency and taste of Nutty Bars.

Angie appeared to get along nicely with my wife and daughter, and I spoke to John, Angie’s husband.

John, a credentialed and experienced data scientist, engineer, and public speaker, appeared to have a single-mindedness of purpose;
Implementation of sound business practices was important to John.

Directing the conversation, John was quite cerebral and tasked me with the study of Market Segmentation.

I gave it a whirl and asked the Google.

More or less, customers have needs, or concerns that need to be met.

Those in the know break market segmentation down into five parts, demographic, psychographic, behavioral, geographic, and firmographic segmentation.

Demographic segmentation assumes that similarly grouped individuals will make similar decisions about purchases of goods and services.

Psychographic segmentation identifies motivations of customers such as attitudes, interests, opinions, social status, and lifestyles. (I found this part amusing as I wear a Patagoinia hat and North Face jacket sourced from a thrift store so people don’t treat me poorly on hiking trails.)

Behavioral segmentation identifies the why of product purchase, and the process a customer may take in acquiring it. What problem are they trying to solve?

Geographical segmentation is nifty in that a specific area may have cultural norms, a terrain feature that requires attention, or weather patterns that are area specific in consideration. (Right now isn’t the best time to sell sandals where I live as it is cold out)

Firmographic segmentation looks at businesses and how they can be broken down into identifiable parts such as industry type, number of employees, performance, profits, and other areas.


It was nice to meet John and Angie and I may see them again. As it was all very business-like, I declined an invitation from Angie to their home.

I made this decision as they make a living consulting and I didn’t wish to waste their time. I wish them well on their adventures.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

20 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on Market Segmentation

  1. Anonymous says:

    Brilliant Ben. Keep up the inquiring of thoughts and approaches

  2. herbthiel says:

    That just strikes me as incredibly weird. Were they hoping to drum up business?

    1. Benjamin says:

      They struck me that way. I will say that his consultant fee listed on the site would likely be juice worth the squeeze for a session or two.

  3. Sarah Angleton says:

    I’ve never had a stranger reach out for an invitation to dinner. Next Door can be a weird place.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, you are cordially invited over if you stop by Colorado Springs !

  4. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    It is a fact that people in the neighbourhood are the first to come in need or danger , rather than our distant
    relatives 🌹🙏👍🏻 So it is better to be friendly with the people next door 🚪 👏👌so nicely read your post
    That you and wife, daughter entertain them as well 😍❤️ Have a wonderful weekend dear friend 🌹🙏💗🌹

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello! If you are ever in Colorado, feel free to drop by!

      1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

        Thank you so much for inviting 🌹🙏💗but too far Colorado 😊
        Near country means sure make a visit , glad to see you all 🥰👌
        Have a wonderful weekend wishes dear friend 👏❤️

          1. Benjamin says:

            You are a good friend! Feel free to stop by anytime you are in Colorado!

  5. TamrahJo says:

    Astounding! Although, I must say, living in a very small town, which I was raised in, left for work, then returned to 12 years ago, means, folks just pull into the drive, or ask me questions about what I do, or think I do, at the Post Office – LOL

    That said, I find it mighty generous of you and your family to open up your home, and well, it’s been my experience that focus who are passionate about what they do, talk about it – whether it’s a ‘drum up biz’ or simply, sharing their passions/knowledge. (I tend to be that way, if I think anything I share might be of use to the avid DYIer – :D)

    BTW – maybe, JUST maybe! This will be the year I have garden areas in place since that ‘dream’ had to be put on hold for 5 years -(sigh) meaning – – Ya’ll find yourselves traveling northeast, about an hour or so and ready for a break?

    Let me know before! I’ll get some type of protein prepped for the BBQ grill, and we’ll pick some veggies from the garden and ta-da! Lunch break taken care of during your journey!

  6. AA1C says:

    Hello friend, I enjoyed your cool post. I subscribed. See you often. Have a happy day🌙💫🔆😊

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