Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
I found out yesterday that according to some gamer chick named Kana “Tanukana” Tani, “short men under 5 feet 7 inches do not have “human rights”.
Here is the link if you care to read.
At 5 feet 6 and 3/4 inches, I am a quarter-inch shy of deserving human rights.
Ah well.
Yesterday was a busy one.
It started out with me making a pot of coffee and beginning to write an epic tale. My father-in-law was up at O dark thirty as well so I put the tale off for a bit and we talked a bit.
After a while, my Beloved woke up and we had some hearty oatmeal.
I had a short amount of time to get work done at home so I put my work clothes on and dug a hole for an additional water source for the birds. When spring comes, I need to let the vegetation grow back in the other water hole.
You cannot see it in this photo, but the ducks are in there while Trumpet my Goose stands guard.

After providing them a place to play, I mucked out the other duck pond. Rotten eggs, excrement, and stench met me at the bottom. I went ahead and put a temporary fence up for later.

Somehow I managed to hit my middle finger with a sledgehammer as I secured the posts in the ground.

While outside, I noticed that bees were congregating all over the cracked corn. I asked the Google and found out that worker bees gather corn dust to take back to the hive when other options are unavailable. Source
I like bees so I placed a mix of honey and brown sugar out. After a few hours, I discovered they were much more interested in the corn.
Ducks are dirty work. I went inside and got cleaned up.
As noted in my last post, we went to visit my grandmother’s resting place.
We also visited our longtime friend Margarita Sam. She was an encouraging mother figure all throughout my life.
A nursing facility decided to let her freeze to death outside on a cold February night.

This may step on some of your theology, but when we got in the car we played Aint No Grave. We will see them both again.
Afterward, I took Isabel to her friend’s house and hung out with my sister and nephew. Here is a picture of us at the cemetery. I have a feeling he will be a sturdy young man.

My daughter, who is an excellent cook, decided to make us eggs and potatoes for dinner.

Well, off to new adventures!
First i want to say i love the Ain’t no Grave song. I’m glad you got all of your work done. Now take a rest.
Thanks! 🤠🔥☕
Your nephew is darling. We are having a lazy Sunday here. My husband is fasting for a routine medical procedure in very early in the morning. That is terrible that Margarita passed away in such a cruel, senseless way.
Thank you. We will pray for your husband.
Thank you. My husband believes in using the tools provided to maintain health.
Great post dear friends!Amazing photos! Now I am hungry looks delicious.
Beautiful baby, your nephew is lovely! Thanks for share.
Have a wonderful time!
Thanks x6!!!! 🤠🔥☕ We appreciate you Elvira!
You are welcome 🙏🏻
Me too!
Have a wonderful time! 🙏🏻😊☕
All the above (ow, cute, and yum) from me, too, but also: 🤔.. Gandhi didn’t make the height *requirement* –yet we all know his name for a certain reason!
Ha ha! Perhaps this young lady will grow down the road!
Happy to hear that I make the height requirement. Get a post pounder. Your fingers will thank you, and it’s way easier than a sledge hammer.
I am pleased to hear that you meet this gamer’s requirements for human rights. Post pounders are like 40 dollars, but it may be worth the investment.
Survey says a finger costs more. Haha.
Well, you may have an economic justification here. Do you have a license to practice common sense?
I seem to have misplaced it.
On the subject: Ottawa Truckers Support Freedom
I’ve heard this opinion before, but I have the opposite opinion on it.
You are welcome to your opinion. I am not sure if you have ever commented here, but I appreciate your perspective and would like to hear more from you about it. I will not rebuttal anything you tell me.
Thanks for your response
I have seen from their statements
that we have a contrary view of the world
I want your beliefs
with my views not refute
It is good to have you at the Campfire Friend. Feel free to comment anytime. 🤠🔥
Please you check the spam holder 👍🏻
Will do friend! 🤠🔥☕
Never mind, first impression is the best impression isn’t,
So don’t want to write again 🌷🙏🌷
Ok! I appreciate you!
Your nephew is adorable! I hope all is going well with your beloved.
Thank you! My Beloved improves every day!
I thought of your birds last night when I saw a clip of ducks scarfing watermelon!
Ha ha! Mine love watermelon as well!🤠🔥☕
If my theology can be “stepped on,” it’s not very good theology, is it? 🙂 That being said, I will say that my theology is ever-changing, because I am human and cannot possibly fully comprehend God or His ways. I am firmly convinced that every single one of us is going to be shocked, in some way, at how wrong we were about some things. But, on that day, it will not matter any more.
Thanks for your perspective on this one Jeff!
Beautiful post😊
Thank you! 🤠🔥☕