Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
I started reading my Bible through for the year.
The Bible is a historical narrative when read chronologically. I recommend that everyone read the Bible through.
Who flips through a book and then quotes just parts? It would be out of context. You have to start at the beginning of a book and read all the way through to understand it.
Way back when I was about 14, I committed that the first and last words I read would be the Bible. I have done my best to keep my word. Fortunately, God’s Word is true, because I have missed a few days here and there.
I have experienced too much to turn my back on God, and I intend to continue in this pursuit.

Fascinating. Good luck with your endeavor! Where are you up to now?
I started this morning. Right before I read about Abraham, I check out Job’s experiences. I am reading Job.
You are absolutely right! You have to read the Bible from beginning to end to fully understand it and see how the stories unfold and relate to one another.
Indeed. 🤠🔥
It’s challenging to read it chronologically, especially considering that there are a lot of opinions as to the accurate chronology of the sixty-six books.
Hello Jeff, I use this plan.
As It Happened
Interesting. I may try that one later. I’ve already started one for this year. Thanks.
Absolutely! 🤠🔥
Yes! Keep on keepin’ on!!
Thank you! Likewise!
Definitely read it cover to cover! 😀 For first timers though, read it cover to cover but start with the New Testament epistles or Gospels. The Old Testament history, laws, customs, genealogies, etc. make sense but if you’re going in without the key story of redemption in Christ and how He fulfilled the Old Covenant, there can be some confusion. Paul, Peter, James, John, and whoever wrote Hebrews explain the old and new succinctly and show how and why Jesus did what He did. Those letters put the story of salvation into context for Jew and Gentile alike. Then the Gospels show the life of Jesus. Then the Old Testament history shows the fall into sin, the old covenant law, the genealogy of Jesus (cross referenced later in Matthew and Luke), how Israel got and lost their land, and overall, it shows why it was necessary that God became flesh for the sake of the world. Then the prophecies, of course, which show signs of past and future events, and without a doubt that Jesus IS the Messiah.
God’s blessings to you and all others who are reading His word for the first or hundredth time! “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).
Thanks for your perspective on this!🤠🔥
The more you read it, the easier it is to put it all together. And it never gets old.
Absolutely! 🤠🔥
So very true about not just quoting the bible here and there, understanding the context where the scripture was spoken from is very important. We know Jesus as a person and his life and ministry teach us daily. We never get the whole bible, every time we read/meditate on it, new meaning and revelation surface. Blessings brother Benjamin! 🙏
Thank you Cassa Bassa! You are amazing! Thank you for your take on this!