Beloved Update at Brothers Campfire

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

Over the weekend, we went for a 3-mile hike through snow and light mud. My Beloved waked about 3 quarters of a mile off and on.

I also had one of my nephews over and we showed him how to do a few things like rake, push a wheelbarrow, gather kindling, fan flames, roast marshmallows, and make paper airplanes.

He is a sturdy kid, and he should drop by more often.

More is going on behind the scenes.

A batch of Indian Runner ducks is on the way and we have been prepping a new shelter for them. Pretty soon we can show you!

Oh, by the way, thank you for subscribing to my Youtube. I have enough to live stream events now!

I have considered a podcast, but I don’t think I am ready for such a thing.

If I do, I will make it unlisted and link it to Brothers Campfire.


Albeit tired from the time change, we ready for another week here at Willow Manor Urban Farm!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

38 thoughts on “Beloved Update at Brothers Campfire

  1. 1972italy says:

    High five to your Beloved! Great progress! I am also fighting with the time change. I hope it evens out soon. And congrats to you on your YouTube success!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I am still on the fence as to whether I will post anything there.

  2. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    I am so glad to see your Beloved doing so well. Great for her to be walking on different surfaces because this will rebuild functional fitness. Wonderful your nephew is out learning real life skills

  3. salsaworldtraveler says:

    Thanks for sharing the news of your wife’s outstanding progress. If I was your nephew, I might not want to visit much. 😊 It is good he is learning that work can be fun too.

  4. elvira797mx says:

    I am glad your beloved is getting better, blessings.
    Have a wonderful time!

  5. Michele Lee says:

    Your beloved is making wonderful progress. Thank you for the update. Best to you and your family. 💐

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Michele Lee! I appreciate when you stop by! 🤠🔥☕

      1. Michele Lee says:

        You are most welcome. Your posts are unique and fun and I am happy to read your wife is doing well. 🌞 Thank you. 🙏🏻🌻

  6. leendadll says:

    What great progress by Beloved!

    And what a great opp for the kid!!

  7. kagould17 says:

    Glad your beloved is making progress, Benjamin and that you are nurturing new recruits for Willow Manner. Stay well. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Allan! I appreciate you and your opinions! You are a good friend!

  8. Omatra7 says:

    Excited you guys doing so well!! ❤️

    What an adorable little boy lol – pushing the wheelbarrow – I bet he loved it!

    You would be great with a podcast – why you think you aren’t ready?

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am excited she is improving as well!
      My nephew is pretty nifty!

      Thank you for the encouragement about the podcast. I am super self-conscious about my voice. It is high pitched and I sound like Ernie and Kermit the Frog.

      I spoke to a former broadcaster from KVOR, a local radio station, and she says it is not an issue. Her opinion has held a lot of weight with me.

      Thank you for your encouragement as well! You are an amazing friend! 🤠🔥☕

      1. Omatra7 says:

        Lol everyone is self conscious of their voice

        I am sure you do not sound like that lol and if so… voice over work is good money !! You could have a gift right there – you don’t know…

        You can’t be hard on self lol

        Don’t be self conscious – go for it! See what happens 🙌

        Like diving in pool… if only stick big toe in and it’s freezing … it will take you forever lol … BUT if you jump right in – you have fun faster 🙌 And say why I not do this earlier? Lol

        See!! Even your broadcaster person day would not be issue … you should don’t be shy!!

        Can’t hurt to try! That’s sounds fun and exciting – you should dive right in 🌊

        Why make life wait? Don’t be insecure with that… take deep breath and jump in

        I think be really good thing for you and that’s not even going on voice

        You are very personable type so I think you would be very good with that – plus you have a story to tell, and experiences, information or causes to share

        Or whatever you decide to do with it – I think it would be good move? I think you would enjoy it – but let down your inhibitions little – own it… you would be good with it!

        You already have a YouTube lol … and WordPress… you could totally rock a podcast

        You do not need to have hesitation with voice – don’t let your self conscious hold you back… you never wanna look back and think I wish I would have…

        Try it!! I bet you love it!!

          1. Omatra7 says:

            It is just a picture of a fire? But does nothing when I click on it?? Is just a picture

            But awesome picture of fire lol

          2. Omatra7 says:

            That is awesome – it wouldn’t let me watch from the replies but let me watch from the comments section 🙌

            You have nothing to worry about with your voice – you have a very calm, peaceful, at ease voice.. with a gentle tone to it.

            You don’t seem shy, it wasn’t awkward – I think would be good!!

            Command that crowd lol ✌️

  9. mattsnyder1970 says:

    So good to see the improvement with Isabel, plus kids that want to work are the best kind of kids. I hear ya about the time change. Every time we turn back or forward it royally screws up my body clock…

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